

by Van
© 2020 |
Once again,
Mikki was languishing, and once again it was an enhanced and
extra-special version of the "normal" languishing she'd
experienced (enjoyed) when indulging in self-bondage and/or
Elke-expedited bondage in the good old days.
Mikki was zipped, buckled, and padlocked in a tight,
aesthetically pleasing, single-sleeve armbinder and body-harness
ensemble of tawny-brown leather with bronze-tone metal
hardware. Also, her ankles were crossed and locked in a
jumbo cage-cuff of chrome steel secured by a brass
padlock. A chrome-steel cable-collar with a flush-mounted
brass padlock was locked around her neck and a long steel chain
attached to a steel ring embedded in the concrete wall tethered
her in place. A large Nerf ball was crammed in her mouth
and held there by a genuine/authentic Gwen-hood that encased her
head and incorporated two tightly buckled straps, one that
cupped her chin and a second that pressed against her closed
lips and crammed mouth. The hood left only her nose, eyes,
and forehead exposed (which was what made it a "Gwen-hood," of
course), and the leather and hardware matched her
armbinder/body-harness ensemble. Very chic... in
a naked and totally helpless sort of way... hence the enhanced
and extra-special nature of her situation.
Mikki's languishing locale was a cozy, snug, subterranean,
concrete cell whose only furnishings were a mattress resting on
the floor (covered with a blue-gray top-sheet and a pile of
pillows she was unable to arrange for her optimal languishing
comfort), and a big-screen HDTV mounted on the wall. At
the moment the TV was displaying real time video of a black cat
in a coal mine at midnight (meaning it was turned off) so it had
little impact on her situation.
And making things worse, Mikki was waiting to be punished for
the heinous crime of tickling Lilly's feet with a feather, as
well as squeezing Lilly's boobs with rubber bands and pinching
them with clothespins (including her nipples). Mikki had
to admit it was a fair cop, so she didn't really mind
being punished, as long as it wasn't an extreme punishment
(she kept telling herself). After all, being punished
might be... fun? Sort of.
One thing was for sure: Abby and Donna (and Lilly) were
expanding Mikki's horizons. She hoped Elke was finding
whatever was happening to her to be equally instructive and
So... Languishing...
Just then, the bolt securing the chamber door was thrown back—Thud!—the
lock unlocked—Click!—the door opened, and all the
negative aspects of Mikki's situation came surging to the
fore! Mikki's wait for punishment was over!
Lilly (!!!) entered the chamber, closed the door behind her,
then strode to the mattress. She was carrying a small gear
bag of black ballistic nylon, which she dropped on the
mattress. Hands on hips, she loomed over Mikki
and smiled... the way a cat smiles at a cornered, yummy,
terrified mouse.
Oh-by-the-way, Lilly was no longer naked. She was wearing
a pair of very cool knee-boots, skintight pants, and sexy
bra-like top, all in black leather! Her above-the-shoulder
brown hair had been brushed straight and glistened as if it had
been lightly oiled. The resulting longish pageboy framed
her beautiful, sinister face in a beautiful, sinister
manner. The smile curling her lips was downright
disturbing, and her blue eyes flashed as she gazed down
at Mikki with gloating, leering interest. Lilly had
transformed into a dominatrix! ...a sexy, hot dominatrix!
Mikki was impressed. Mikki was terrified. Mikki was
aroused. The pretty leather strap cleaving her crotch vibrated
against her pussy... or maybe her pussy was the one doing
the vibrating... meaning was throbbing and/or quivering
with arousal. That was more logical, of course, but
she couldn't be sure. Things were complicated.
"Well, look at you," Lilly purred. "Donna was right.
The pretty outfit she bought for Abby does fit you
perfectly. You're a pretty ginger package, Mikki.
Are you ready for your punishment?"
Mikki was still busy soaking in the vision of
Lilly-the-Dominatrix, but now that Lilly brought it up, no, she
was absolutely sure she was not ready for her
punishment, thank-you-very-much! Not at the moment,
anyway. Sadly, Mikki knew her opinion was moot.
Also, she was gagged. In any case, Lilly's question had
been rhetorical. That was obvious.
Lilly knelt and arranged the pillows, then sat on the mattress
and reclined against the resulting pile. Next, she
arranged Mikki's collar chain out of the way, spread her legs,
and pulled Mikki between her leather-clad thighs and against her
smokin' hot, body.
"Mrrrf?" Boots on the bed? Mikki was
scandalized. She made a mental note to report the faux
pas to Abby at her first opportunity. Maybe Abby
would be equally outraged and let Mikki punish Lilly.
Anyway, Mikki's
tawny-brown-leather-with-bronze-tone-hardware-bound back and
arms rested against Lilly's
black-leather-bra-clad-but-otherwise-bare torso. Mikki
squirmed and shivered in... distress? Yes,
Lilly's-black-leather-bra-clad-but-otherwise-bare torso were definitely
pressed against Mikki's
tawny-brown-leather-with-bronze-tone-hardware-bound back and
arms and causing her distress. Also, Lilly was
hugging her tight with her strong arms, and now her
leather-pants-clad legs and shiny boots were scissored around
her waist, resting atop her bent legs, and unnecessarily
reinforcing her oh-so-vulnerable crossed ankles and cage-cuffed
situation. Her pussy purred in protest... and now
she was sure it was definitely her pussy and not the
Lilly cupped Mikki's breasts in her two hands and gently squeezed.
"Are you sorry you were mean to my tits?" Lilly inquired.
Yes and no, Mikki thought. She regretted getting
caught in the act, of course, but did not regret having
been presented with an opportunity to decorate Lilly's pretty
tits and taking it.
Lilly leaned to the side to retrieve her gear bag, taking Mikki
with her—"Mrrrk!"—then straightened back into position.
Mikki watched as Lilly unzipped one of the bag's side pockets,
reached inside, and pulled out—a pair of spring-loaded
clover-clamps joined by a thin chain of nested links!!
Mikki's eyes popped wide and her body shivered in
Lilly's embrace.
"I see you know what these are for," Lilly whispered in Mikki's
right ear. She dangled the clamps before Mikki'e horrified
eyes and gave them a shake. The clamps rattled together,
making dull, metallic, menacing music. "Have your
pretty little nipples ever been clamped, Mikki?"
Still staring at the shining clamps, Mikki shook her Gwen-hooded
head, rather frantically.
"Oh, I see," Lilly cooed. She dropped one of the clamps,
which fell against Mikki's harnessed lower torso—causing her to
flinch—then held the other clamp by its spring-loaded
side-handles and slowly... menacingly... opened and closed the
jaws of the shining steel device.
Mikki found the clamp... fascinating. "Mrrr!" she
whined. It was truly terrifying... and thrilling... in a
horrific sort of way.
"Oh, look," Lilly purred. "Your little nipples are all
stiff and pokey." She used the business-end of the clamp
to tease Mikki's right nipple. It was, in fact,
erect. "Obviously," Lilly continued. "The little
dears are curious."
Traitors! Mikki groused, angrily staring at the throbbing
little pillars of pink flesh in question. Usually, her
brain enjoyed at least some degree of veto power over
such things, but not in this case. Truth be told, Mikki
was conflicted. The clamps were scary... but they
were also intriguing. Maybe that was the problem. On
at least some level, her brain was just as much of a traitor as
her nipples.
And then it happened.
Lilly shifted the clamp to her left hand, gripped Mikki's right
nipple between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, and
stretched Mikki's right breast... slightly... about
three-quarters of an inch.
"Mrrrm!" Mikki whimpered.
And then, Lilly used her left hand to position the open jaws of
the clamp... and let the jaws close, pinching Mikki's right
"MRRR!" It hurts! It hurts! It... stings a
little. Mikki blinked in surprise. The clamp did
hurt, a little... but the sting was settling into a sort of
subtle, persistent burn. The clamp was definitely
there, but Mikki couldn't really call it serious pain
and—"MRRR!" Mikki glared at Lilly, who had clamped her left
nipple while she was busy dealing with her feelings about
her right nipple.
"Remarkable sensation, isn't it?" Lilly chuckled. "I'm
sure you know the drill. They hurt when they go on... you
get used to them... and then they really hurt when they
come off." She hooked her right thumb around the chain and
gave the clamps' a gentle tug, causing the clamps to tighten
(fractionally), and Mikki's nipples to stretch (fractionally).
"Mrrr!" Mikki complained. She also winced. The
gentle tug had shifted the burn back towards sting territory and
had been more than enough to focus her attention... which was
unnecessary as she was already fully focused on her
nipple-clamp situation.
Lilly continued tugging on the chain... then releasing the
pressure... then tugging again. Mikki's nipples stung...
then burned... then stung again... just a little.
"Mrrrrm," Mikki whimpered.
"Poor wicked baby," Lilly cooed. "It's horrible
being naked and helpless and having someone play with your
boobies, isn't it, Mikki?"
"Mrrrrrr," Mikki whined. It was another rhetorical
question, and a clear reference to Lilly's recent
rubberbands-and-clothespins experience. Yesss.
Horrible. And then—Mikki flinched and her eyes
popped wide. "Mrrr?"
Lilly had reached between their bodies with her left hand and
was deftly unbuckling the crotch-strap of Mikki's pretty
harness. She then pulled the strap from between Mikki's
butt-crack and pussy—"Mrrrf!—and tucked it out of the way.
And now she was fiddling with Mikki's pussy!
"MRRRF!" And there was nothing she could do about
it! Other than shiver and squirm, which she did.
Mikki was impressed by the ease with which Lilly had
accomplished her unbuckling feat using only one hand—the other
hand being busy rhythmically tugging on Mikki's
nipple-clamp-chain—but at the moment she had bigger fish to fry.
"You're wet, Mikki," Lilly announced as her left hand continued
gliding over Mikki's labia.
That's a lie! Mikki silently retorted, except
objectively. Mikki's pussy was also skeptical... and
let its opinion be known with irate quivering and
throbbing. Moist irate quivering and throbbing.
"I think you're ready for your punishment," Lilly chuckled.
Having my nipples clamped isn't my punishment?
Mikki continued squirming and mewling (and whining) through her
gag/hood. Lilly's right thumb was still hooked
around the nipple-clamp-chain,and she was still tugging
on in chain... in rhythm with her left hand's continuing
exploration of her labia. Nipple tugging and pussy
stroking isn't punishment enough?
Much to Mikki's relief (and with only the slightest twinge of
disappointment), Lilly's left hand left Mikki's pussy. But
her eyes popped wide, again, as she watched the left hand in
question unzip the main compartment of the gear bag, reach
inside, and pull out... a wand-style vibrator!!
The silver-gray device was identical to the wand that had been
resting in its recharging stand on the table back in the X-frame
Chamber, the scene of Mikki's crime. Lilly, who was no
longer naked and spreadeagled on said X-frame, brandished the
wand before Lilly's horrified eyes.
"Mrrrk!" Inarticulate? Yes, but Mikki was sure her
urgent message had been understood.
"Silly girl," Lilly chuckled. "You may be scared, but
you're more than ready for this sort of
discipline. You certainly need it." She clicked the
vibrator on. Bzzzzz... "I have experience
with this sort of thing. I can tell when someone wants to
play, and you want to play. Admit it."
Well, yeah, but... "Mrrrrr!"
And then, without further preamble, Lilly began teasing Mikki's
upper-thighs, lower-tummy, and labia with the rubber-clad
business end of the buzzing wand. And while this was
happening, she also continued tugging and releasing Mikki's
nipple-clamp-chain. Tugging and releasing.
Mikki squirmed and wiggled and shivered. There was no
longer any doubt that her pussy was wet... flushed and wet and purring
in harmony with the vibrator's quiet buzz.
"You wicked, wicked girl," Lilly whispered in Mikki's
right ear. "You punishment will take a very... long...
time. And you deserve... every... single... orgasm."
Mikki was hot and bothered. An orgasm was definitely coming...
or cumming... and Mikki could do nothing to stop it! (Not
that she actually wanted to stop it. Talk about
your deepest, darkest fantasy coming true! Naked?
Leather-armbinder-harness-bound? Gwen-hooded?
Everything color coordinated with her beautiful peachy-pink skin
and glorious ginger hair? A stunningly gorgeous
tomboy-villainess diddling her silly with a stylish wand?
Lilly could throw her into this particular briar patch anytime
she wanted!
That said (meaning thought) it was the solemn duty of every
damsel-in-distress to object when a gorgeous villainess
involuntarily extracts orgasms from her helpless, virtuous body,
upstairs in the Yoga Studio...
Elke was naked, sitting cross-legged in front of Donna, and
trying not to blush. Her expression could be described as
either dazed or fascinated. Maybe dazed and fascinated.
Donna was naked, sitting cross-legged in front of Elke, and was
box-tied with conditioned hemp rope. Oddly (in Elke's
opinion), she didn't seem at all upset by her captivity.
In fact, she was smiling.
Abby was naked and returning from the Secret Cabinet with its
treasure trove of conditioned hemp rope. A fresh coil of
said rope was in her left hand and, like Donna, she was smiling.
Elke watched as her red-haired rigging instructor released the
coil's retaining hitch, let it fall open into a loose tangle,
matched the two free ends, then found its center. By this
time, Elke realized the finding-the-center routine was the
accepted method of preparing a length of rope for immediate use.
The center-loop of the doubled rope in her right hand, Abby
knelt next to her spouse and training aid and focused her smile
on her student. "Now, in this position..." She
indicated Donna with a graceful flip of her left hand.
"...one option is the ebi or shrimp-tie."
Elke frowned. "Ebi?"
"Japanese for 'shrimp,'" Abby explained. She pointed at
Donna's crossed ankles. "The ankles are lashed
together..." She indicated Donna's neck (and gorgeous,
smiling face). "... rope is passed behind the
neck..." Another gesture. "...then back down to the
ankles. And then, all the slack is removed, forcing the
victim to lean forward into a severe crunch." She placed
her hand behind Donna's hand and gently pushed, causing Donna to
lean forward into a mild crunch. This caused
Donna's generous, rope-framed breasts to hang, of course, just a
Donna's boobs were a bit of a distraction, but Elke got the
point. "V-victim?" she gasped.
Abby nodded. "The ebi was used as a judicial
punishment and torture technique in feudal Japan."
Elke blinked in distress. "T-torture?"
Abby nodded, again. "Tightly bound in a severe crunch
for hours on end? Yes, torture." Abby's smile
widened and she withdrew her hand from Donna's neck, allowing
her to return to her original cross-legged position. "I
would only use a mild version of the ebi, of
course, and only for a limited period of time."
Elke nodded. "I see." Donna's boobs were no longer
hanging, but they were still distracting. "T-that's why
it's called the 'shrimp,' because leaning forward makes her
looks like a shrimp."
Abby nodded. "A jumbo-size, pink shrimp." She cupped
Donna's left breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. "With
Elke blushed. Apparently, her appreciation of Donna's
rope-framed, hanging breasts hadn't been quite as
surreptitious as she hoped. And she noticed that Donna was
also blushing, just a little. Elke found this to
be... odd? The interpersonal undercurrents flowing through
the Abby's Magnificent Modern Mountainside Mansion were stronger
and more complicated than she'd thought... maybe.
"Stop," Donna scolded her spouse (and rigger).
"Anyway," Abby continued (ignoring the boobs and blushing
issue), "I'm going to demonstrate a different tie."
She leaned close and whispered into Donna's ear (but Elke could
easily hear her words). "On your yummy tummy, Blue Eyes."
The smiling blue eyes in question rolled, then, with surprising
grace, Donna flopped down onto the yummy tummy in question (and
her rope-framed boobs).
Elke watched as Abby grabbed Donna's ankles and pulled then
together and forward, bending her knees. "A hogtie?" she
Abby nodded. "Yes, clever girl, a hogtie." She
crossed Donna's ankles, causing her to splay her legs.
"Since my beloved's wrists are crossed, her ankles should also
be crossed."
Elke nodded. "Symmetry."
"Exactly," Abby confirmed, then set to work.
"She really is a clever girl," Donna purred, smiling up
at Elke as Abby lashed her crossed ankles together.
Elke frowned. "I thought you guys were gonna stop teasing
me," she pouted.
"Sorry," Donna chuckled. Abby delivered a resounding slap
to her right butt-cheek. "Eeep!" she complained.
"Behave," Abby purred, then completed binding Donna's
ankles. At least five feet of doubled rope dangled from
the final knot. "Note how the final knot is
non-compacting," she lectured. "The ankle-bindings won't
over-tighten, no matter how much tension I put into the hogtie."
Elke nodded. She also watched with rapt attention as Abby
threaded the free ends of the ankle-bindings under the box-tie
ropes at the nape of Donna's neck, then pulled out the
slack. Abby then passed the ropes back and around Donna's
crossed ankles, back up to the nape-of-the-neck ropes, and
pulled out even more slack. This brought Donna's
crossed ankles very close to her crossed wrists and required her
to arch her back.
"T-that multiplies the force," Elke observed, "like a pulley."
"Clever girl," Abby purred.
"Indeed," Donna agreed.
Donna was now permanently balanced on her stomach, Elke noted,
with her thighs and most of her boobs hovering above the
carpet! Oddly, "Blue Eyes" didn't seem at all upset by her
Abby used up the remaining rope by taking hitches through other
parts of Donna's box-tie, wrapping the free ends around the
hogtie ropes leading down to her ankles, then tying a final,
complicated knot on the far side of her crossed and bound
ankles. The fingers of Donna's crossed and raised hands
couldn't come within ten inches of the final knot. Elke
could see that Donna was totally, helplessly, and inescapably
"Now," Abby lectured, "various enhancements are possible, such
as..." She resumed using her hand as a pointer. "The
upper and lower legs can be lashed together, around the shins
and thighs and cinched in between. That's called a
'frog-tie,' by the way. Alternatively, each bent leg can
be lashed, periodically, in a ladder-tie, the way I ladder-tied
your legs together by the pool. Understand?"
Elke nodded. "Frog-tie. Another animal.
Shrimp, hog, and frog. Are there any others?"
"There are many more recognized ties," Abby purred,
"but none with animal names that I'm aware of."
"Not so!" Donna chuckled. "When you tie up a
redhead, however you do it, it's called a fox-tie."
Abby retaliated by grabbing Donna's hair, gathering it into a
ponytail, then pulling her head back and lifting her chin.
"That hurts!" Donna whined, but the smile still curling her lips
more or less defused the complaint.
"Hush," Abby purred. "Nobody likes a smart-mouth teaching
aid." She refocused her smile on Elke. "Now...
Another enhancement is to braid or bundle the hair and add it
to the hogtie. The same goes for the big toes, tied
together if the ankles are side-by-side, or tied separately if
the ankles are crossed, like now."
Eyes wide, Elke nodded again. She couldn't think of a
thing to say.
Abby smiled, stood, and strolled in the direction of the
supposedly damp tangle of rope she'd used to box-tie Elke...
then returned with the ball-gag dangling from her left hand.
Donna sighed, smiled, then winked at Elke.
Elke blinked and watched as Abby knelt, thrust the gag's
ventilated, black rubber ball into her spouse's delectable mouth
and buckled it tight under her tousled brown locks.
"You gagged her," Elke noted. Her blue eyes were still
blinking in... alarm?
"That's two strikes," Abby chuckled as she used her fingers to
straighten Donna's hair. "One more and I will start
calling you Captain Obvious."
Elke's pout returned. Donna smiled around her gag.
She might have been grimacing, but her eyes were
sparkling so Elke decided it was a smile.
Meanwhile, Abby had strolled from the studio and back into the
powder/sauna room.
Elke returned to examining Donna's predicament. She looked
really helpless... really, really helpless.
Continuing her gagged smile, Donna began squirming and testing
her bonds. Her fingers groped for something she could
untie... but it was pointless. She was helpless.
Is she doing that for me? Elke wondered. Is she
putting on a show? She can barely move... and she sure
is pretty... beautiful, in fact. Elke continued
watching... and Donna continued her futile struggles... and her
gagged smile... and being beautiful.
Abby returned to the studio. She'd changed back into her
Daisy Dukes and white cotton blouse. Elke assumed her
hostess and rigging instructor was also wearing her panties, but
had no objective evidence to support that conclusion.
There were no visible panty-lines marring the denim surface of
Abby's skintight Daisy Duke cutoffs.
Abby smiled, took Elke's right hand, and lifted her to her
feet. "Come with me, Clever Girl," she purred, and led
Elke towards the door leading to the rest of the mansion.
Elke strolled at Abby's side and looked back over her shoulder
at Donna. Abby's spouse remained naked, box-tied, hogtied,
ball-gagged, and beautiful.
"You're going to leave her like that?" Elke muttered.
"She'll be fine, Elke," Abby chuckled, then leaned close and
kissed Elke's nearest cheek. "I promise."
Donna watched as her wonderful bitch of a lover and life-partner
abandoned her to her naked, bound, and gagged fate, taking their
blond and equally naked house guest with her. Could
Elke be more adorable? Donna mused. And as
for Abby, Red looks hot in those cutoffs... always.
The fully clothed redhead and naked blond crossed the studio
threshold, disappeared down the hallway, and Donna was
alone. She closed her eyes and cleared her mind in
preparation for meditation... and settling in to wait.
orgasms! Lilly had used her fancy vibrator, wicked
nipple clamps, and highly skilled fingers to extract three
crashing orgasms from Mikki's bound and gagged but
otherwise naked body!
Exhausted, sweaty, and panting through her nostrils, Mikki
basked in the afterglow of Orgasm Number Three. She wasn't
at all sure she'd survive an Orgasm Number Four. Actually,
Mikki knew she'd live through further vibratory "punishment,"
but was very much afraid she'd lose consciousness before a
fourth climax. Helpless in her very pretty
tawny-brown leather with bronze-tone hardware armbinder,
body-harness, and Gwen-hooded ensemble—her knees bent and her
ankles crossed and cage-cuffed together—and with Lilly still
embracing her from behind with her booted and leather-clad legs
scissored across her thighs—Mikki waited for the start of Round
Soon, Mikki thought. She'll start again soon.
The precise timing of inter-orgasmic recovery periods seemed to
be another of Lilly's areas of expertise. However, and
much to Mikki's surprise/relief, instead of more wand-wielding
and nipple-clamp-tugging, Lilly began fiddling with the buckles
of the straps securing her Gwen-hood. "Mrrrf?" Mikki
inquired (weakly).
Lilly said nothing, but finished unbuckling the hood, unzipped
the zipper, and slowly, carefully, pulled the hood from Mikki's
head. She tossed it aside, plucked the Nerf ball from
Mikki's mouth, and tossed it aside as well.
Mikki swallowed, licked her lips, and watched as Lilly reached
back into her unzipped gear bag and produced a clear, 12 oz.
bottle of spring water. Lilly cracked and removed the cap,
then held the bottle to Mikki's mouth. To Mikki, the room
temperature water was the proverbial Nectar of the Gods, gloriously
wet and most welcome. She chugged half of the
bottle's contents... and Lilly let her.
"Thank you," Mikki muttered as Lilly took a drink herself, then
restored the bottle's cap.
"You're welcome," Lilly purred.
"I... I'm sorry I used rubber bands and clothespins your tits
and nipples," Mikki said quietly.
"Liar," Lilly chuckled. "Anyway... tell me something," she
added as she returned the sloshing bottle to the gear bag.
Mikki heaved a deep sigh (causing the connecting chain of the
clover-clamps still pinching her nipples to sway and her
cable-collar's tethering chain to rattle. "Why should I?"
she pouted. "Why should I tell you anything?
You'll probably just punish me some more if I do."
Lilly's answer was to tighten her embrace, once again hook her
right thumb over the nipple-clamp-chain, and pull it taut(ish).
Mikki winced and took the hint. "Okay. What do ya
wanna know?"
"What are your plans for the future, Mikki?" Lilly inquired.
Mikki blinked in surprise. "You mean like... right now?"
"More long term," Lilly clarified.
"Well, I'm a writer," Mikki answered. "I need to find a
job to pay the bills so I can write. Didn't I mention that
before? At breakfast."
"I must have been cooking at the time," Lilly purred.
"Anyway, a laudable goal. What about Elke?"
"She needs a job too," Mikki answered, "to save money so she can
afford grad school."
"Another laudable goal," Lilly stated.
Mikki wasn't sure whether Lilly was serious or not. She
might be teasing, teasing both of them, but Mikki
decided not. Lilly might be a smokin' hot dominatrix
tomboy who liked to punish innocent redheads with nipple-clamps
and orgasms, but she wasn't cruel... so to speak.
No, Mikki decided Lilly was genuinely interested. "Ya know
of any good-paying jobs around here?"
"I'll think about it," Lilly promised, then produced a pair of
keys from somewhere, possibly from down the front of her black
leather, bra-like top, Mikki wasn't sure. One key was tiny
and the other normal-size. She unlocked and removed
Mikki's cable-collar, then began unlocking the padlocks securing
her body-harness and armbinder! This was another good
thing, like the water, a sentiment with which her shoulders
emphatically agreed. The armbinder had been pulling them
back for a considerable amount of time... enough time for three
orgasms and two inter-orgasmic rest periods!
"Uh, I wouldn't mind staying in this part of the state," Miki
explained, "but Elke probably wants to live closer to her
parents, down south."
"We'll have to ask her," Lilly chuckled as she continued
unlocking padlocks and unbuckling buckles. "You ever do
farm work?"
"Very funny," Mikki pouted. "I thought you were serious."
"I am," Lilly purred as she unzipped and removed the armbinder.
This made Mikki happy, and her shoulders were ecstatic!
She stretched and moaned with pleasure. Her new freedom
wasn't exactly another orgasm, but it sure felt good! She
watched as Lilly shifted her position to the foot of the bed,
unlocked and removed the cage-cuff from around her ankles, then
stood and helped Mikki to her bare feet. Mikki was now
nude and completely free, except for—Oh yeah,
she remembered, the nipple-clamps. She focused on
her torturer/rescuer, mustered what she hoped was an adorable,
brave, and sympathy-inducing smile, and indicated the clamps and
their swaying chain with a graceful flip of the wrist.
"Uh, you don't mind if I..."
"Yes, I do mind," Lilly chuckled. "Hands atop
your head."
"Hands atop your head, Little Red," Lilly reiterated.
Mikki pursed her full, glorious lips in a full-volume
pout as she carried out Lilly's order by interlacing her fingers
and resting her palms atop her tousled red curls. "Don't
call me that," she huffed.
"Abby is Red," Lilly purred. "So that makes you Little
Red." She then reached out and released Nikki's right
"OW!" Mikki complained. "You could have warned me,"
she complained.
"I did warn you," Lilly, then released the left nipple
"OW!" Mikki reiterated, stamping her right foot. It
was true. Lilly had warned her that the clamps
would hurt more coming off than going on, but she wasn't about
to give Lilly the satisfaction of admitting she was right.
Mikki glowered at Lilly's spectacularly beautiful and
wickedly smiling face, doing her best to present the very
picture of a brave, ginger-haired, and slightly annoyed
righteous martyr.
"Come with me," Lilly ordered and started for the cell
door. "And keep your hands on top of your head like a good
little damsel."
"Were are we going?" Mikki demanded as she padded in Lilly's
"We need to get you dressed for dinner," Lilly purred.
Mikki's stomach grumbled in response. Dinner would be most
welcome. She'd missed lunch, and what with all the orgasms
and nipple-pinching, she'd grown rather peckish.