

by Van
© 2020 |
7 |
Obedient (and
a little nervous), Elke padded down the subterranean corridor at
Abby's side. She was naked, box-tied with conditioned hemp
rope, and a ball-gag hung loosely around her neck, ready for
instant deployment. Obedience seemed like a prudent
strategy. Also of concern, Elke's normally straight, long,
beautiful blond hair was a tousled mess, and there was nothing
she could do about it. At least her glasses were still
firmly in place.
Abby was dressed in abbreviated denim cutoffs and a white cotton
blouse. Her glorious ginger hair was also tousled,
although most people would probably characterize the longish
coif as Casual Disarray. Very chic. Her
feet were bare, like Elke's, so she was also padding.
"Abby?" Elke asked quietly.
"Yes, dear?" Abby responded.
"Uh, please don't hurt her, okay?" She was referring to
Mikki, of course, her ginger-haired dweeb of a BFF, who had just
been caught in the act of tickling Donna's little sister's
feet. Granted, Lilly, the little sister in question, had
deserved every stroke of the feather, but Elke could understand
how Abby and Donna might be upset—even though they had set
the whole thing up as part of the ongoing kinky game they'd
roped Elke into (pun intended).
Abby smiled, draped an arm over Elke's rope-yoked shoulders, and
planted a quick kiss on her closest cheek. "There's
hurt... and there's hurt," she stated. "Donna will
punish Mikki only as much as she deserves, and no more."
Elke pouted. "She's a dweeb, but not all the
time. Please?"
"Delightful," Abby chuckled. "Mikki will survive her
punishment entirely intact. I promise. Try not to
Elke continued pouting.
They padded up the spiral stairs to the main mansion, then
padded past sitting rooms, reading rooms, music rooms, and whatever
rooms... and arrived at what appeared to be... a yoga
It was a large but not huge space, with two window-walls that
met in one corner and provided scenic views of the surrounding
slopes, the valley below, and the mountains beyond. The
two walls that weren't window-walls were paneled with
bamboo. Underfoot was soft, thick, plush wall-to-wall
carpet in a subtle, soothing, swirling pattern in shades of
blue-green. Through an open doorway off to the right was a
space lined with glass tiles in shades compatible with the
studio's ambiance. Elke assumed it was some sort of powder
Abby led her across the studio, into the tiled space, and Elke's
assessment was confirmed. Off to the left was a commode,
washbasin, and mirror and to the right was a row of wooden gym
lockers. Directly ahead was an open shower stall and a
cedar door with a small window set at head height.
"Is that a sauna?" Elke asked, staring at the door.
"It is," Abby confirmed as she led Elke to a locker. She
opened the door and began unbuttoning her blouse.
Elke watched (and tried not to stare) as Abby undressed.
The gorgeous, athletic, 40-something redhead hadn't been wearing
a bra (which Elke had already suspected). Abby unbuttoned,
unzipped, and removed her Daisy Dukes, stripped off her
panties... and was naked, as in nude, as in beauteously nude.
Elke was as impressed as she'd been by Abby wearing a string
Elke swallowed, blushed, and nodded towards the sauna.
"Uh, you're gonna..."
Abby removed and folded Elke's glasses, then set them on the
locker's top shelf and closed the door. "No, we're
gonna," she chuckled, led Elke into the shower stall, reached up
and grabbed a handle dangling from a chain attached to the large
showerhead overhead, and gave it a tug. There was a brief
gurgling noise... then Abby and Elke were drenched by a torrent
of cold water.
"Eek!" Elke gasped. The water took her by surprise, even
though she knew getting wet before entering a sauna was proper
etiquette and she'd watched Abby pull the handle. It was
Abby released the handle, the water stopped, and she led Elke to
the sauna door. Next to the door was a small control panel
and displayed on its tiny LCD screen was the message: "150°F /
Abby pulled open the door, they crossed the threshold, and were
instantly engulfed by a flood of very hot air.
The sauna was lined entirely with cedar, and in the center was
the usual stainless steel heater with a pile of "lava rocks" on
top and surrounded by a waist-high protective fence of cedar
slats. Two tiers of cedar benches with sloping backrests
wrapped around the walls, and directly to the left was a faucet
with a wooden handle. Resting on the floor under the
faucet was a cedar bucket with a wooden ladle. Elke had
zero experience basking in dry saunas. The Lewis &
Clark University Campus Fitness Center had had gender-specific
steam rooms, not dry saunas. To Elke, the setup looked
typical, as well as luxurious and large. There was
easily enough room for Abby to host a sauna party with a dozen
guests. Even more if they were all very friendly.
"It's hot in here," Elke noted. She could feel her pores
Abby's smile broadened. "I believe this is where I dub you
Captain Obvious," she chuckled. "Don't worry, I
won't." She then spun Elke around and started doing
something to what Elke diagnosed as the knots securing her
"Oh!" Elke gasped. This was followed by "Oh!" when
she realized Abby was untying the box-tie in
question. It's about time, she silently groused,
but genuinely appreciated finally being set free.
Abby was the author of her intricate bondage, of course, so Elke
was unsurprised when the conditioned hemp melted away in a
fraction of the time it had taken for Abby to rig her rope
masterpiece. She watched as Abby neatly coiled her former
rope bonds and secured the bundle with a tight retaining-hitch,
removed the ball-gag from around her neck—and she was totally
bondage free at last!
Abby then opened the door, just far enough to toss the coil and
ball-gag outside, and quickly pulled it closed again. She
then smiled, placed her hands on Elke's shoulders, and slowly
spun her around in a full circle, gazing at her naked
form. By this time both of them were starting to sweat.
Elke let this happen. Abby was examining the hideous
rope-marks crisscrossing her glistening upper-body. It was
"Not bad at all," Abby purred, "if I do say so myself.
These will fade quickly. That's a telltale sign of a good
rigging job, Elke. No rope-burns or bruises
on your bottom's skin."
Elke blinked but said nothing. Apparently, her rigging
education was continuing, but as long as the rope remained on
the other side of the door, she didn't really mind.
Elke watched as Abby turned the faucet and filled the cedar
bucket, then used the bucket and ladle to wet-down the upper
tier of benches and backrests on the side opposite the door (the
door with the sinister coil of conditioned hemp and evil
ball-gag lurking just beyond). She noted that her hostess'
skin was now definitely flushed and glistening with
sweat. Elke's skin was also definitely flushed
and glistening, but Abby looked like... a pretty pink
goddess emerging from the sea? A ginger 'Venus on the
Half-shell' by Botticelli? No, that's silly. Get a
grip, she chided herself.
Abby climbed onto the damp bench, smiled, and patted the
water-darkened cedar at her side. "Up here, dear," she
suggested (ordered).
Elke padded to the position indicated, stepped onto the lower
bench, then sat on the upper bench and settled her back against
the backrest. She was glad Abby had wet everything
down. Otherwise it would have been waaay too hot
to be comfortable.
"What now?" Elke mumbled.
Abby's smile widened. "Now... we sweat." Then, still
smiling sweetly, she closed her eyes.
"Oh," Elke sighed. And I'm Captain Obvious?
Abby had nice breasts, by the way... and a flat tummy... and
firm thighs... and everything. Elke felt comfortable
making a detailed visual survey of her hostess' beautiful body
as Abby's eyes were closed. There was no doubt about it,
Abby Clarke was hot, and the sauna had nothing to do
with it.
Elke bit her lower lip and decided she owed it to her BFF to
make one last try. "She is gonna be okay, isn't
Abby smiled and opened one eye. "Delightful," she
purred. "She'll be just fine, Elke. Believe
"Okay," Elke sighed, then closed her eyes. I guess
being 'delightful' is better than being 'adorable,' she
thought. I hate being 'adorable.'
Mikki had
dreamed about being strapped into a tight leather bondage
ensemble, but she was finding the reality wasn't quite living up
to her expectations. The experience was being complicated
by several factors, some positive and some negative.
1. The ensemble in question was a custom-made
armbinder and body harness of expensively tanned leather in a
very pretty shade of tawny-brown with bronze-toned hardware,
both of which had been specifically chosen to complement the
beautiful red hair and fair skin of a gorgeous redhead (like
Mikki). That was positive.
2. Except for her nose, eyes, and forehead, her head was
encased in a genuine Gwen hood with a
chin-cupping-mouth-panel-strap and an
across-the-mouth-strap, and in the same tawny-brown leather
with bronze hardware. Positive? Hell yes!
3. Everything was a perfect fit. Tight? Yes,
but a perfect fit. Also positive.
4. Each and every bronze-tone buckle of the armbinder
and body harness (with the exception of the harness' crotch
strap) was secured by a tiny little bronze-tone padlock
embossed with a Celtic knot! That was unnecessary
overkill, and therefore a psychological enhancement of her
helplessness and also positive.
5. Except for the restrictive ensemble and hood, Mikki
was stark naked—but that was de rigueur for
this sort of melodrama. That made her nudity positive
but hardly worth mentioning.
6. However... Donna was leading her somewhere to be
punished for the supposed crime of punishing Lilly for
being a total meanie. This was scary (she supposed), and
therefore negative!
So... that was five positives and only one negative, but the
uncertainty of her fate was coming close to ruining Mikki's
entire fantasy-made-real. Total bummer.
Luckily (she supposed), Mikki was entirely helpless, so the
waking dream/nightmare would continue whether she wanted it or
At one point Mikki briefly considered turning and fleeing for
the spiral spiral staircase leading back to the mansion
overhead, but how would she open the door to the stairs or the
door at the top of the stairs? And if she somehow did
manage to open the door(s) before Donna caught up with her,
would that make things better or worse? And thanks to the
ball of foam crammed in her mouth and the Gwen hood padlocked on
her head, she couldn't even negotiate! Also, even if she
managed to get upstairs, find Abby, and grovel at her feet, it
wouldn't do her any good. Abby was on Donna's side.
And as far as she knew, Elke was still naked and box-tied, so
she wouldn't be any help either.
No, it was best to pad along behind Donna (who had a magnificent
ass squeezed into those skintight, faded designer jeans, by
the way) and accept her fate. After all, it was the brave,
noble thing to do, and Mikki had always tried her best to be a
brave and noble damsel.
Their destination was another steel door with a meaningless
label stenciled on its gray-painted outer surface.
(Meaningless to Mikki, anyway). Donna threw back the bolt—Thunk!—pulled
out a key-ring and unlocked the lock—Click!—then opened
the door.
The space beyond was typical (concrete floor, walls, and
ceiling) but on the small side, only about 8' x 10'.
Resting on the floor was a large, possibly queen-size mattress
covered with a fitted satin sheet dyed in a pretty shade of dark
blue-gray, and a pile of large pillows with matching
slipcovers. Mounted on the wall opposite the pillows was a
very large flat-screen TV. Otherwise, the room was empty.
Or not quite. Also resting on the mattress were two pieces
of "hobby" hardware Mikki recognized immediately from her
internet browsing/research:

1. A "cable-collar," a pair of curved, vertical
stainless steel panels that met in the front, were secured by
means of a flush-mounted brass padlock, and anchored six
horizontal loops of braided steel cable around a hypothetical
wearer's neck. There were also three vertical steel
spacer-bars positioned to maintain an even spread. Mikki
had always considered such devices to be nasty and/or wicked
(and therefore intriguing). And oh-by-the-way, this
particular cable-collar included a steel ring just above the
padlock in front that was attached to a long, hefty steel chain
that in turn was attached to a steel ring set in the concrete
2. A "cage-cuff," four half-circles of stainless steel set
90° apart, attached to a common, cross-shaped hinge, and secured
by a hasp opposite the hinge that secured with another brass
padlock. Once closed around a damsel's crossed wrists,
they ensured that the dainty wrists in question would remain
Mikki was a little surprised (or maybe confused) by the presence
of the cage-cuff. Did it mean Donna was going to unbuckle
her pretty harness and armbinder so she could lock the cage-cuff
around her wrists? That seemed like a waste of a really
wicked leather fashion statement. Also, the cage-cuff in
question looked too big for her wrists. In fact, she
figured she might very well be able to wiggle out of the thing
once it was in padlocked place, given a decent opportunity.
Donna led her to the mattress and provided incentive for Mikki
to sit on its soft, smooth surface in the form of a firm hand on
her shoulder and a knee nudging the backs of her knees. How
rude! The sheet under Mikki's strap-cleaved rump was
very smooth indeed. Mikki estimated the thread-count to be
on the high side of 200.
Not unexpectedly, Donna then pulled out her key-ring, unlocked
the cable-collar, fit the shining device with its dangling chain
around Mikki's neck, and clicked the padlock closed.
Mikki found the collar to be surprisingly light. It was definitely
there, but it wasn't all that heavy. Also, it wasn't
as much of a posture-collar as she assumed it would be.
The collar was restrictive, but not rigid and horribly
uncomfortable. Who knew?
While Mikki was busy reacting to the indignity of being plunked
down on the mattress and cable-collared, Donna sat on the bed,
pulled Mikki's ankles together—"Mrrrk?"—and clamped them
together with the cage-cuff! This left Mikki's ankles
permanently crossed, of course, and therefore imposed a
cross-legged sitting pose on Mikki's bare legs and leather
harnessed body.
Oh, of course, the ankles, Mikki mused, gazing at the
cage-cuffed ankles in question. This left her not only
unable to close her legs, but placed her strap-cleaved pussy on
prominent, permanent display. She lifted
her Gwen-hooded face to Donna and complained, as would any
helpless and naked damsel in her situation. "Mrrr!"
Donna smiled and gracefully climbed to her feet.
"Adorable," she purred, then spun on her sneaker-clad feet and
exited the chamber.
Mikki watched in horror as the steel door closed, the bolt slid
home—Thud!—and the key turned in the lock. Click!
So... Mikki thought, time to languish. She
did her best to get comfortable, but was finding it rather
difficult. She wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but
would have liked to be able to arrange the pillows to her
satisfaction. That was impossible, of course.
Also... Is this my punishment? Probably
not, Mikki decided. This is the obligatory
Period of Exquisite Dread and Sublime Suspense, the interval
before the actual punishment. Abby and Donna
are doing things by the book... although they certainly
deserve points for creativity. Custom leather harness
and armbinder? Cage-collar tethering me to the wall of
my inescapable dungeon? Crossed and cage-cuffed ankles
so I can't shield my crotch? Full points!
Mikki focused on the huge TV mounted on the far wall. But
what is that thing for? Watching reruns of Xena: Warrior
Princess? The TV remained dark and
Elke continued
basking in the heat of Abby's luxurious and very hot
sauna. She was flushed and dripping with sweat, as was
Abby. Periodically (twice, actually), Abby took Elke by
the hand and lead her outside to the relatively arctic
conditions of the powder room and pulled the chain of the
shower, drenching them both in cold water. It was quite
refreshing... in a heart-stopping sort of way. The first
time the icy deluge evoked a verbal response—"Eeek!"—but the
second time Elke endured the thermal shock like a seasoned
Also, when they reentered the sauna for the second time, Abby
opened a hidden panel and revealed the thick, insulated door of
a small refrigerator, something Elke suspected was not a
standard feature of most saunas. She pulled out a pair of
clear plastic bottles and tossed one to Elke. They both
cracked the caps and hydrated themselves with cautious sips of
the cold, very refreshing spring water.
Elke wasn't sure exactly how many minutes had elapsed since
they'd started roasting in the dry heat, but it had to have
been... a long time. She suspected they were nearing the
time for either a third trip outside to cool off under the
shower, or maybe even for Abby to call an end to the entire
Suddenly, the sauna door opened and admitted a wave of cold air
and Donna—who was appropriately dressed for the occasion.
That is, she was totally and completely nude.
Elke had already seen Donna in a skimpy string bikini, of
course, so objectively she was prepared for the sight of Donna's
toned, curvaceous body. Nonetheless, the 40-something
brunette's large breasts, narrow waist, cute little bellybutton,
firm thighs, etc., warranted Elke's full attention.
Abby was a Celtic queen, whereas Donna was a Frankish
Princess. All they lacked were the appropriate costumes...
but Elke would just as soon they didn't go to the trouble.
Nude was just fine as far as she was concerned.
"Is everything proceeding according to plan?" Abby inquired.
Donna directed her smile to Elke. "Of course," she
answered as she used the bucket and ladle to wet down the top
bench next to Elke... then sat down on the dark, dripping
cedar. Elke was now the filling in an Abby/Donna
sandwich. Their naked, glistening hips weren't quite
touching, but it was a near thing. If Elke hadn't been
dripping with sweat and flushed from head to toe, she knew she
would probably be blushing.
"How are you doing, Elke?" Donna purred.
That's my cue! Elke realized. "What have you done
to Mikki?" she demanded.
Donna grinned and planted a kiss on Elke's nearest cheek.
"What goes around comes around, Elke," she stated.
Elke heaved a sad sigh. "That's what I told her," she
muttered. She then favored Donna with her best Concerned
Pout. "She's not really bad."
"We know that," Donna chuckled, patted Elke's knee, and smiled
at her partner. "Isn't that right, Red?"
Abby (who was also smiling), kissed Elke's other cheek.
"Of course, Blue Eyes," she chuckled, then took hold of Elke's
right hand. "Come," she suggested (ordered), hopped down
from the bench, and led Elke towards the sauna door. She
paused before pushing open the door and focused on her
spouse. "That means everybody," she clarified.
Donna frowned. "I just got here," she complained.
"Boo-hoo," Abby chuckled, opened the door, and led Elke out into
the frigid air. The thermal shock was bad, and it
got worse when Abby pulled the shower handle and gave them both
an icy cold rinse.
Luckily, as this was Elke's third experience with
emerging from the sauna and being doused with what felt like
glacial runoff, she took it like a pro; meaning she shivered,
pouted, then heaved a much put upon sigh. Shower over, she
allowed Abby to lead her to the first in the row of lockers.
Abby opened the locker door, revealing it to be a linen closet,
then handed a soft, fluffy white towel to Elke. She took
one for herself and they both started drying themselves.
While this happened, Donna emerged from the sauna, glowered at
Abby, then pulled the handle and enjoyed her own cold shower.
"Don't be like that, Honey Bunch," Abby chuckled. "You can
bask in the sauna anytime. I need you to help me with
Elke's eyes popped wide and her heart started pounding.
She stared at Abby, trying to decide how to respond (and
possibly where to flee).
"Don't worry, darling," Abby chuckled, smiling at the flustered
youngster, then began drying her hair. "I'm just going to
continue your rigging instruction."
Elke's eyes remained wide. "You're going to tie me up
again?" she demanded (whined).
"No, dear," Abby purred. She tossed her towel
aside, lifted a "detangler" hairbrush with stiff, widely
separated bristles from the top shelf of the towel locker, and
began brushing her damp hair with deliberate, gentle
strokes. "You've experienced a box-tie, of course, so now
you need to observe one being tied. That will be
your next lesson."
Donna paused in the act of toweling her body. "And I
suppose you expect me to help?"
Abby smiled and handed the brush to Elke. "Yes, I thought
I might..." She winked at Elke. "...rope you
into it."
Elke couldn't help but laugh. Unfortunately, it came out
as a nervous (some might say pathetic) and slightly
hysterical little yelp. That said, Elke's smile made it
clear she was, in fact, amused—nervous but amused.
She accepted the brush from Abby and began untangling her long,
damp, blond locks.
Donna, however, remained un-amused. She glared
at Abby, finished drying her body, and started toweling her
Abby opened her clothing locker, retrieved Elke's glasses,
smiled, and slid them into position on Elke's face.
"Thank you," Elke said quietly.
"You're welcome," Abby replied with a bright smile, then picked
up the coil of hemp that had comprised Elke's former box-tie, as
well as the discarded ball-gag, and padded from the powder room
and into the yoga studio.
Elke considered wrapping her now damp towel around her torso for
modesty's sake, but at this point modesty was superfluous.
So, as naked as Abby and Donna, she padded in Abby's wake.
In the studio, Abby had released the hitch retaining the coil
and was examining the loose mass of rope.
"This is still a tad damp," Abby announced, then tossed the
tangle into a corner, followed by the ball-gag.
Elke watched (with interest) as Abby opened a wall-panel,
revealing a cabinet (one might say a secret cabinet)
with bundles of conditioned hemp rope neatly stacked on wooden
shelves. Abby selected a bundle, closed the panel, then
padded to the center of the studio. She released the
retaining hitch, let the coil fall open, then doubled it and
found the center.
Donna joined them in the studio, naked, dry, her lips upturned
in a marginal smile, and her long, dark hair pulled back and
cascading down her back.
Elke stared at Donna's breasts... and the rest of her.
There was no doubt about it, Abby's spouse (and soon to be
teaching aid) was very easy on the eyes.
Abby pointed to the area immediately in front of her smiling,
naked self. "You know the drill," she purred, then smiled
at Elke. "Come closer so you can see, darling."
Donna padded to the position indicated, turned her back on Abby,
smiled at Elke and rolled her eyes, then dropped to her knees,
down onto her rump, and crossed her legs in front in a
Elke padded closer (as ordered) and watched as Abby settled the
first doubled loop of rope over Donna's head and shoulders and
tightened it around her arms and torso, above her breasts.
Abby carefully positioned the hitch in the rope over Donna's
spine, pulled out the slack, reversed direction, and passed a
second pair of strands around Donna's arms and torso, directly
above the first pair. Next, second and third pairs of
strands passed around Donna's arms and torso, this time below
her breasts.
Each time Abby had dealt with Donna's gleaming brown hair,
moving it aside to prevent it from becoming trapped under the
neat bands of rope. She also had to deal with Donna's
boobs, reaching around Donna's body from behind and lifting a
breast with one hand so she could properly position the ropes
with the other. Also...
"Fingers," Elke stated in a near whisper.
Abby and Donna smiled at Elke.
"Excuse me?" Abby inquired.
Elke blushed. "Uh, you're doing the thing with your
fingers," she responded, "sliding them under the ropes and
against her skin... testing the tightness."
Abby smiled and nodded. "Indeed."
"An apt pupil," Donna purred, smiling and glancing back over her
shoulder at her lover and rigger.
"Indeed," Abby reiterated, still smiling.
Elke continued blushing... and pouting. They were teasing
her. Not in a mean way, but they were teasing
her. She decided to ignore that aspect of the game and
concentrate on absorbing the lesson.
There was more to the box-tie than she'd thought—meaning
felt—when Abby's ropes had been tightening around her
body. She watched as Abby passed a doubled strand
under Donna's right arm, looped it around the lower horizontal
bands in the front, then up and behind Donna's neck, down to the
left lower horizontal bands in front, repeated the cinch, then
passed the ropes back under Donna's left arm to the nexus of
ropes over her spine.
Elke could see how the shoulder-yoking ropes and pair of cinches
around the horizontal bands tightened and anchored the entire
tie. And when Abby passed the ropes up and under the
doubled strands at the nape of Donna's neck, then back down to
the nexus, the entire harness tightened even further.
Abby folded Donna's arms behind her back so that her forearms
were pressed together and her hands cupped their opposite
elbows. "This is more or less how I tied you, Elke," Abby
lectured, "but my preferred variant of the box-tie is this."
She grasped Donna's hands and lifted them higher until her
wrists were crossed across the rope-nexus itself. "Some
call it the sadistic version."
"Myself among them," Donna purred with a smile.
Abby's smile turned wicked. "Actually, the truly sadistic
version is this..." She lifted Donna's arms even higher,
until her hands were palm-to-palm with her fingertips just below
the ropes at the nape of her neck. "...the reverse
Elke noted that Donna had winced as her arms were
wrenched upwards, and she looked back over her shoulder to glare
at her rigger. But when Abby returned Donna's hands to
the less stringent, wrists-crossed-above-the-rope-nexus
position, she turned her pretty, blue-eyed gaze back to Elke,
smiled, and winked.
Elke blushed (if she'd ever stopped blushing).
Abby and Donna had their own little game going, separate from
the Let's Mess With the Youngsters game... or maybe it
was all part of one big giant game. Whatever it
was, Elke was mildly surprised to find that the unfolding lesson
was... interesting.
Abby wrapped rope around Donna's crossed wrists vertically,
horizontally, and between her wrists, then tied a final knot
through the base of the nexus ropes. Donna's wrists were
now locked together at 90° and pinned against her back, and her
fingers were on the far side of the knot, making it utterly
impossible for her to reach. If Abby had tied a pretty bow
Donna would still be totally helpless.
Abby smiled at Elke. "Any questions?"
Elke blinked several times behind her glasses and stared at
Donna and the box-tie (and Donna's breasts) like the proverbial
deer in the proverbial headlights before answering. "Uh,
no. I don't think so. Not at this time." She
swallowed and crossed her arms under her breasts. "No."
"Oh, Elke," Abby chuckled, "you're so delightful when
you get all flustered like that."
Elke continued blushing, frowned (pouted), and for want of
something better to do, stomped her right foot to signal her
displeasure. Everybody ignored it when she did that, but
it made her feel better.
"Stop teasing the poor thing," Donna said, smiling at Elke.
Abby also smiled at Elke. "You mean stop teasing the
delightful little flustered blonde?" she purred. "This one
right here?"
"Abby!" Donna snapped. "Enough."
Abby winked at Elke. "Sorry, darling." She settled
to the carpet behind Donna, splayed her legs to either side, and
pulled Donna into an embrace from behind. She reached over
Donna's right shoulder and pointed to the carpet in front of
Donna. "Sit, darling," she suggested.
Not having anything better to do at the moment, Elke settled to
the floor and crossed her legs, mirroring Donna's
half-lotus. This left her dark-blond bush and pussy on
open display, but Donna's dark, curly bush and delicate pink
labia were also right there in front of her, and Abby
was also naked, directly behind Donna, ginger bush and all, so
what difference did it make?
"Now, as you can see," Abby lectured, reaching across Donna's
right shoulder and indicating Donna's boobs with a graceful
gesture, "the ropes frame her breasts, above and below.
This is the simple box-tie. The basic box-tie.
Box-tie one-point-oh, if you will."
Elke nodded (and failed miserably to not stare at the
breasts in question).
"But a box-tie can be much more elaborate," Abby
continued. "I, myself, usually add an over-the-shoulder
hitch that pinches the breasts together... like this." She
pinched Donna's arm-pinning, horizontal ropes together by
hooking her thumb around the upper ropes and her forefinger
around the lower, then tightened her grip. This squeezed Donna's boobs
between the ropes, of course, and when Abby jiggled her hand,
Donna's breasts jiggled as well.
In her place, Elke would have objected with a roar of
righteous indignation. (Either that or would have whined
in mortified distress.) Donna, on the other hand, favored
her blond, blushing audience-of-one with a saucy grin.
For somebody who's so concerned about my being teased,
Elke thought, she certainly enjoys watching me squirm.
Abby released her hand, then leaned even closer, smiled and
rested her smiling head on Donna's right shoulder. "Now, I
already told you one of the signal virtues of the box-tie," she
said to Elke. "Do you remember?"
Elke blinked and swallowed before answering. "Uh, long
term c-comfort?"
Abby's smile widened. "You are an apt
student. Now," she continued, "another virtue of
the box-tie is that it can serve as the starting element for a
variety of other ties. I'll be right back."
She then stood, padded to the secret panel hiding all the
rope... and returned with another neatly coiled bundle.
Elke willed herself to stop blinking. She had a sneaking
suspicion that her lesson was far from being over.