

by Van
© 2020 |
6 |
When last we
left our heroines, Elke and Mikki were locked in a subterranean
20' x 20' chamber with concrete floor, walls, and ceiling and a
gray-painted steel door.
Elke was naked, box-tied with hemp rope, and rather peeved that
Mikki was still refusing to untie her. Dweeb!
Very funny.
Mikki was also naked, but she wasn't tied up in any way and
at the moment was busy smiling at an enticing array of body-care
products and/or potential entertainment (torture) devices
arrayed before her on a wooden worktable.
Why 'enticing" you ask? Because, when last we left our
villainess, Lilly, she was naked, bound, gagged, and locked in
the same chamber as our heroines. Actually, Lilly might or
might not have deserved the label "villainess," but our heroines
agreed she was no longer worthy of the label "nice." Lilly
was spreadeagled on an X-shaped wooden frame that was actually a
human-stick-figure-shaped wooden frame, and whatever she might
have wished to say about either the "villainess" label or her
current situation was stifled by the highly effective
muzzle-head-harness-gag caging her head.
And oh-by-the-way, everything—Lilly's gag, the suspension-cuffs
binding her wrists and ankles, and the various
mechanisms of the X-frame that enforced the stringent
spread-eagle—were all locked. Even if Elke and/or Mikki
felt inclined to affirm their heroine status by releasing any
part of Lilly's bondage, they couldn't.
The situation was truly tragic.
Oddly, by all appearances, Lilly remained stoic and unfazed by
her oh-so-vulnerable predicament; however, at least for the
moment, it didn't matter how Lilly felt. She'd lost her
audience. Both youngsters were busy examining the contents
of the table burdened by the array of aforementioned body-care
and/or potential entertainment (torture) devices.
Meanwhile, back at the table...
Mikki picked up the steel handle of the pinwheel and carefully
gave its spur-like disc a spin. It gave off a ringing,
humming noise as the needle-sharp points flashed. Mikki's
already menacing smile turned even more menacing (in
Elke's opinion).
"No," Elke ordered. "Put it down."
Mikki continued smiling at the spinning disk of needle-sharp
points. "It looks like it would really hurt if
you pressed down hard," she observed.
"Put it down," Elke reiterated.
Mikki shifted her smile to her blond BFF. "You're awfully
bossy for somebody who's all tied-up and naked." she purred.
Elke mustered her best more-disappointed-than-angry condemnatory
stare. "Mikki. Put it down."
Mikki shrugged (in a smiling and naked manner) and returned the
whatever-it-was-called pinwheel to the table, then turned and
padded to Lilly and the X-frame. Elke followed.
"I need to do a little preliminary reconnaissance," Mikki
announced, then placed her right hand on Lilly's left thigh,
smiled sweetly, slowly slid her palm up to Lilly's
hip... then down to her knee.
Elke watched (ignoring the warmth of the blush coloring her
cheeks). What did it matter to her if the leg of
a naked, bound, gagged, and stretched evildoer was subjected to
a humiliating tactile examination by a naked, ginger-haired
"Just as I thought," Mikki noted as her palm continued gliding
down Lilly's lower leg... all the way to the suspension-cuff
tightly encircling Lilly's ankle. She focused her smile on
Lilly's very gagged and still unconcerned face. "You're
something of a tomboy, aren't you Darling Lilly?"
Elke frowned. "Darling Lilly." She focused on her
BFF (as opposed to the stretched and naked alleged tomboy on the
X-frame). "Isn't that a movie?"
Mikki frowned. "Uh... yeah. Julie Andrews and Rock
Hudson... I think. Why?"
"I like Julie Andrews," Elke responded. She was still
mildly surprised that she was only mildly outraged by the
spectacle of her BFF running her hand up and down Lilly's leg.
"What's not to like?" Mikki shrugged. Her attention
returned to the naked, stretched, and gagged alleged
tomboy. "Anyway... stubble." Her smile
brightened. "Guess who needs a shave?" She then
reached for Lilly's outstretched left arm, crooked her right
index finger, and gingerly scratched Lilly's left armpit with
her nails. "Here too."
"She's not hairy," Elke stated. Lilly hadn't so
much as flinched. Elke was impressed. Not even a
gagged giggle. Go figure.
Mikki spun on her bare heels and padded back to the table.
Next to the table with all the fun goodies was a stainless steel
stand on wheels. It had a steel basin resting in a
circular cavity on its steel top. Mikki moved the can of
shave cream, feminine razor, hand towel, and bottle of spring
water she'd already opened to the basin and wheeled the cart
towards Lilly and her X-frame.
Elke watched in horror (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) as
Mikki carefully arranged her supplies next to the basin, poured
water into said basin, spritzed a dollop of shave cream onto her
left palm, rubbed her hands together, and smiled (evilly).
She then began slowly, meticulously lathering Lilly's left
leg. She started just above the ankle-cuff and slowly
worked her way all the way up to Lilly's crotch, replenishing
the cream on her hands as required. Eventually, Lilly's
leg was slathered with a thin layer of white foam and the faint
aroma of raspberries wafted through the chamber.
Mikki wet her hands and dried them with the towel, picked up the
razor, twirled it between her fingers, smiled (evilly) down at
her "victim," and set to work.
Elke continued watching in horror (or a reasonable facsimile
thereof) as the razor glided through the foam, leaving
rectangular, ever-lengthening, ever-widening, foam-free strips
of Lilly's skin in its wake. Mikki was methodical and
thorough, periodically wetting the razor in the basin to clean
its five blades of accumulated foam and stubble. Truth be
told, Lilly's legs hadn't really needed shaving, but it
was good to see the evil bondage-enhancing Lilly receive her
just desserts. Of course, Lilly having her legs shaved was
less a form of punishment than a form of pampering, and rich
ladies paid for stuff like this to happen to them (only without
the X-frame and gag, Elke assumed), but in Lilly's case it was
completely involuntary... so there!
Lilly's armpits were next. Mikki ruthlessly lathered
and shaved Lilly's pits! Both of them! And still
the prisoner-of-the-frame was stoic and nonchalant.
Elke was impressed (and a little disappointed). The
least she could do is squirm and make entertaining little
Depilating mission accomplished, Mikki wheeled the cart, basin,
and shaving supplies back to the table, then emptied the basin
in a convenient steel bucket resting on the floor.
Somebody thought of everything, Elke thought, meaning the
presence of the convenient bucket, except for leaving
something sharp lying around so I could free myself... or
maybe they thought of that too and were careful not
to leave something sharp lying around so I could free
myself. And trying to shave my way out of this
box-tie would take forever.
"I'd like to give her a pretty Brazilian," Mikki stated,
nodding back over her shoulder at Lilly, "but doin' that with
just a razor would be a real pain." Her smile turned
mischievous. "For both of us. Anyway, if I had a
pair of scissors I could clear-cut the margins to the proper
shape, and then shave her, but I don't, so I can't." She
grinned at her BFF. "I suppose I could use the
smallest pair of forceps to pluck out her short-and-curlies, one
at a time 'til she had a nice, narrow, vertical landing strip,
but that would take forever. Besides, there's a
lot to be said for a nice bushy bush." She returned the
razor and can of shave cream to the table, placed the
pump-bottle of moisturizing lotion on the shelf in their place,
next to the damp hand towel draped over the empty basin, then
smiled at Elke's pouting face while overtly leering at her BFF's
dark-blond pubic thatch). "Don't you agree?"
Elke couldn't help but blush (and did not stare at
Mikki's ginger pubic thicket in retaliation). "Mikki,"
she complained in a condemnatory whine.
Mikki chuckled and wheeled the cart and its ominous bottle of
moisturizer back to the X-frame. Her intent was clear.
Elke heaved a condemnatory sigh and padded in Mikki's
wake. Doesn't she know how much trouble she's
making for herself? Elke wondered. Doesn't she know
that what goes around comes around? I just hope I don't
get roped into (pun intended) the aftermath of this debacle.
Arriving back at the scene of her depilating crime, Mikki gazed
down at her naked, stretched, freshly shaved, and still
nonchalant victim. "How ya doin' there, Lil?" she
inquired. Her gloating smile was overtly saucy, enough so
that Elke rolled her eyes in disgust.
Not waiting for an answer from Lilly (who, after all, was
gagged) Mikki pumped a generous dollop of lotion onto her hands,
rubbed them together, then began what might be called a
moisturizing reconnaissance in force of Lilly's terrain.
Elke watched as her BFF ruthlessly (but gently) moisturized
every square inch of Lilly's smooth, tan, stretched skin, except
for the wide bands under her wrist and ankle-cuffs, those parts
of her anatomy resting on the X-frame, and from the neck
up. Eventually... as Mikki had taken her time and been very
thorough... Lilly glistened like... Elke didn't know
exactly what Lilly glistened like, but she definitely
glistened. Also the faint raspberry scent lingering
from Lilly's Dire Depilation Distress had been overpowered by
the lavender aroma of Lilly's Malevolent Moisturized Misery.
Elke sighed and shook her head. Distress?
Misery? Lilly was still stoic and uncaring.
She hadn't even reacted when Mikki moisturized her between the
legs! Not even the act of Mikki moisturizing her toes and
the soles of her feet disturbed her naked, spreadeagled, and
gagged calm! She didn't even react when Mikki moisturized
her boobs and nipples! It was... impressive... as well as
a little disappointing. What was the fun of being forced
to watch a moisturizing spectacle if the moisturee just lay
there like a shapely, stoic lump?
Obviously very pleased with herself, Mikki wiped her
hands with the towel, then rolled the towel and bottle of lotion
back to the Table of Fun Supplies. Smiling, she gazed at
the items on the table. "Hmm... what next."
Elke turned her back on the glistening, well-moisturized Lilly,
padded to Mikki's side, and made another appeal to reason.
"This is nuts." she muttered. "Abby and Donna are
gonna kill you."
"You don't really believe that," Mikki purred, "do you?"
Her eyes were still on the table and its goodies.
"No, I don't," Elke admitted, "but they sure as hell won't be
happy... and neither will you, dweeb."
Still smiling, Mikki indicated the wicked wealth arrayed on the
table. "Why do you suppose all of this stuff is
here? Why do you suppose Lilly is here?"
Elke sighed. "Obviously—"
"Obviously Abby and Donna are playing a game," Mikki
Elke blinked at her BFF for a handful of heartbeats. "Not
as stupid as you look," she conceded.
"They want to see how far I'll go," Mikki continued (ignoring
Elke's "stupid" remark). She returned to gazing at the
table. "You'll notice that all of these things are
essentially harmless." She plucked the vibrator from its
recharging stand and clicked it on. Buzzzzzzz...
It worked. "I'm not sure I'll go this far," Mikki
chuckled, turned off the vibrator, and returned it to the
stand. "She doesn't deserve any."
Elke blinked in surprise (see also distress). "Deserve any
"Orgasms," Mikki explained. "She deserves to be punished
for being a meanie. Orgasms aren't punishment."
Elke continued blinking. "That's been my experience,"
she agreed in a whisper.
Mikki chuckled, gave her blond BFF a quick kiss on the lips,
then transferred the bowl of clothespins and the bowl of rubber
bands to the cart. "Gotta start somewhere," she purred as
she rolled the cart back to the X-frame. "Might as well
start with her tits."
"T-tits?" Elke demanded, padding in Mikki's wake.
"T-tits," Mikki confirmed.
When the
metaphorical dust settled, multiple rubber bands had been stretched around each
of Lilly's
breasts, causing them to bulge like taut, dark-pink
balloons. The balloons in question were pink, rather than
purple, but they were definitely being squeezed.
Also, Lilly's tits were pinched by nine clothespins each, one
vertical pin on each nipple and eight pins evenly arrayed in a
staggered octagonal pattern between the nipple and the rubber
The perpetrator of this foul deed was Mikki, of course,
being the only occupant of the chamber not stretched on an
X-frame or box-tied with hemp rope. Guilty hands resting
on her hips, the ginger-haired perpetrator smiled and admired
her handiwork. Obviously, she was disgustingly pleased
with herself.
And Elke had had no choice but to watch as Mikki meticulously
executed her foul, despicable agenda. Granted, Elke could
have turned her back and/or padded into one of the corners, but
she didn't. In her defense, she had tried to
convince Mikki to return to the straight and narrow path of
righteousness by frowning and pouting and muttering disparaging
comments under her breath like "I hope you're proud of yourself"
and "I see bad things in your future," all of which had
no effect on her vicious and bad BFF.
Truth be told, Elke found some degree of satisfaction
in watching Lilly get her just desserts, but propriety demanded
she disapprove, so she did... or tried her best to
disapprove. She suspected Mikki knew her well enough that
she wasn't fooled. Also, how bad could it be having your
tits squeezed and... clothespinned? Is that a
word? Pinched, Elke decided. 'Pinched' is
better. 'Clothespinned' is stupid. Anyway,
Lilly didn't seem to mind all that much.
Granted, Lilly had abandoned her nonchalance and was now staring
daggers at Mikki, but she didn't seem to be in pain...
much. She had winced a little (if you looked closely) as
Mikki perpetrated her dastardly, tit squeezing and flesh
pinching atrocity; but for all the world she remained stoic...
and angry.
Elke had to admit Lilly was quite a sight.
Stretched. Glistening. Gagged. Angry. Bulging
and pinched pink tits. Quite a sight.
"So... what should I do next?" Mikki pondered aloud.
"What you should do next is stop digging the hole deeper," Elke
responded, "before you truly regret it."
Mikki regarded her BFF with disappointment. "When did you
become such a Debbie Downer," she demanded.
"Oh, gee, let me think," Elke muttered. "When I developed
a functioning brain?"
Mikki chuckled, then focused on the tube of Deep Heating Pain
Relieving Rub resting on the table. Her smile faded.
"How do you suppose it would feel if I used one of those
paintbrushes to paint that goop on her tits and pussy?"
Elke's eyes widened. "No!" she barked.
Mikki's smile returned. "It would feel 'no?' That's
what you came up with with your functioning brain?"
Elke frowned at her BFF. "No. Don't do it.
Negatory. No even a little. No!" She stamped
her right bare foot for emphasis (even though repeated
barefoot stomps hadn't worked so far).
Mikki lifted the tube of ointment and turned it in her
hand. "I bet it would be... interesting."
Elke rolled her eyes. "Yeah," she muttered, "and it'll be
really 'interesting' when Abby and Donna string you up
by your thumbs."
Mikki's smile returned. "Well then..." She returned
the tube of ointment to the table and plucked one of the white
goose or swan feathers from its glass jar and twirled it between
her thumb and forefinger. "Guess I'll have to think of
something else."
"Mikki!" Elke whined as Mikki turned and padded to the foot of
the X-frame, still twirling the feather. "Mikki!" Elke
reiterated as Mikki locked eyes with Lilly and smiled, evilly.
"What?" Mikki demanded (still smiling).
"Stop," Elke huffed. "Enough is enough."
"Enough?" Mikki purred. "I don't think so. Enough is
never enough." And with that, she began tickling
the sole of Lilly's right foot!
Lilly's gagged expression instantly changed from smoldering
anger to hysterical distress! "Mrrrf!" It
was the first thing Lilly had "said" since the youngsters joined
her in the chamber.
"Oh!" Mikki exclaimed, "look who's ticklish!" She
confirmed her diagnosis by sliding the feather between Lilly's
wiggling toes.
Elke watched her BFF tickle-torture Lilly's right foot for a
full minute before deciding to intervene. (After all, the
spreadeagled brunette was an evil villainess.)
"Stop!" she reiterated.
Surprisingly, Mikki did, in fact, stop. "You're right,"
she chuckled, twirling the feather once again but not
stroking Lilly's ticklish foot. "By which I mean
that's enough for her right foot." She smiled
sweetly, her brown eyes focused at her victim. "Of course,
there's still her left foot."
Twirl-twirl-twirl. "As well as her left and right
armpits, ribs, tummy, et cetera." Her leering gaze
shifted to Lilly's splayed crotch. "Especially her
et cetera."
Lilly had resumed glaring at her ginger-haired tormentor, but
now Elke thought she also detected an element of fear in the
villainess' gagged frown. Also, her rubber-band-bulging
and clothespin-decorated boobs heaved as she panted. "You
really shouldn't," Elke advised, continuing to stare at the
rising and falling, bulging pink balloons and bobbing
"Stop now?" Mikki demanded (with a smile), "when I've finally
cracked the veneer of her evil resistance and can get down to
serious vengeance taking? Hah!"
And with that, Mikki and her Fearsome Feather of Titillating
Torture went to work on Lilly's left foot!
Lilly's response was as might be expected.
"Mrrrrrrrrrf! Mmphfff! Nrrrrrrrrr!" Et
cetera. She also tugged on her inescapable bonds.
Elke found it to be very... uh... entertaining. She
wasn't proud of it, but the sight of Lilly's nude, restrained,
gagged, writhing, mewling, and glistening body was
entertaining. So there.
Thunk! Click!
Elke recognized the sound of the chamber door being unbolted and
unlocked; however, Mikki was concentrating on tormenting Lilly's
her foot, leering at her victim's writhing body and heaving tits
(with their flopping decorations), and listening to Lilly's
gagged protestations. She appeared to have missed the
telltale sounds.
The door swung open on silent hinges and Abby and Donna entered
the chamber. Both were dressed as when the youngsters had
last seen them: sneakers, jeans, and white blouse in the case of
Donna, and bare feet, Daisy Duke cutoffs, and white blouse in
the case of Abby.
"Uh... Mikki?" Elke said quietly.
Mikki continued concentrating on tickle-torturing Lilly.
Lilly continued being tickle-tortured.
Elke padded a step closer and nudged her BFF with her hip.
Mikki heaved an irritated sigh, stopped tickling Lilly's foot,
then rounded on her box-tied BFF. "What?"
Elke nodded towards the door.
Mikki turned her head and found Abby and Donna standing there
with their arms crossed under their breasts and frowns on their
beautiful faces. "Oh... Hi." She dropped the
feather and it fluttered to the concrete floor.
"Uh..." She nodded at Lilly. "See? I'm doing
what you want me to do." Her eyes still on their elders,
she made an awkward gesture towards the table. "With the
stuff... but not the bad stuff. I'm not quite
finished, of course."
Elke rolled her eyes. Dweeb.
Donna stepped forward, took a firm grip on Mikki's left ear, and
led (meaning dragged) her from the chamber.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" The sound of
Mikki's litany faded into the distance.
"And as for you, young lady..." Abby growled, glowering
at Elke.
Elke stared at Abby for several long seconds. "Uh... I'm
tied up," she observed, squirming in her box-tie-bonds to
illustrate her point.
Abby's angry facade cracked and a smile emerged. "Come
with me," she chuckled.
"Uh, okay." Elke padded to Abby's side, then through the
Abby smiled at Lilly, then stepped across the threshold and
closed and locked the door.
Thunk! Click!
Alone in the chamber, Lilly heaved an exasperated sigh.
Her rubber-band-bulging tits and their clothespin decorations
bounced and flopped in agreement.
No doubt about it, the naked, gagged, and helpless
prisoner-of-the-X-frame thought, my part in this brilliant
plan SUCKS!
destination was a 10' x 15' chamber with three of its walls
lined with metal lockers and cabinets. She locked the door
behind them and pointed to the center of the chamber.
"Stay," she ordered.
The order was for Mikki, of course, and the nude, abashed,
ginger-haired youngster padded to the indicated spot and watched
anxiously as Donna opened one of the lockers. Her eyes
widened as its contents were revealed.
The contents in question were an abundance of leather straps and
panels, all tawny-brown leather with a subtly textured
finish. There were also metal buckles, rivets, D-rings,
and larger O-rings, all with a dark-bronze finish.
"I had this set made for Abby," Donna announced, "but you're
only a couple of inches shorter, so..." She lifted a
single-sleeve armbinder from a hook, turned, and smiled at
Mikki. "I'm sure it will all fit."
"Abby?" Mikki inquired. Her eyes were locked on the
approaching armbinder.
"The color scheme was carefully chosen to complement the
complexion of a gorgeous redhead," Donna explained. "It
was expensive, but worth every penny as far as I'm
concerned. I've only been able to talk my beloved into
modeling the get-up a few times, but I know you'll look fabulous
in its embrace."
"Abby?" Mikki reiterated. The armbinder closed by means of
a hefty bronze-tone zipper. "Oh!" she gasped as Donna spun
her around, gathered her arms behind her back, and slid the
conical sleeve up her arms. Mikki placed her hands
palm-to-palm in cooperation. It seemed like the courteous
thing to do, and after all, how often did one get an opportunity
to wear an expensive, custom made, color-coordinated leather
Mikki shivered with dread and alarm (and not arousal)
as the zipper closed—Ziiiiiiiiiip!—pressing her arms
together from her fingertips to just above her elbows.
Palm-to-palm was now her hands only option, and her elbows
actually touched. In fact, they were pressed together,
which pulled her shoulders back and caused her boobs to thrust
outward. This caused her nipples to point, which was
thanks to basic physics, of course. (Okay, there was a
little arousal involved.)
Donna draped straps over Mikki's shoulders, crossed them over
her chest, above her thrusting boobs, then passed them under her
armpits and back to the rear, where she threaded and buckled
them tight to the top of the binder. She then
buckled similar straps around Mikki's wrists and her upper arms,
just above her elbows. The wrist and elbow straps were
redundant, of course. The armbinder alone encased Mikki's
fingers, hands, and arms and rendered them completely useless to
their owner.

Next, Mikki heard four metallic clicks from behind her
back. Click! Click! Click!
Click! "W-what was that?" she demanded.
"Padlocks," Donna announced. Her no doubt smiling lips
were inches from Mikki's right ear. She reached around
Mikki's right shoulder and held up a tiny padlock for her
inspection. It was the same dark-bronze as the rest of the
hardware, and was decorated by a Celtic knot cast on its
surface. "There's one of these little beauties for each
and every buckle," Donna purred.
Mikki stared at the mini-padlock with fascination.
Granted, it was only a little padlock, more or less a luggage
lock, but it was pretty, and while the armbinder was
already completely inescapable, the five padlocks allegedly
identical to the one Donna was holding now rendered the binder doubly
inescapable. "Pretty," she said in a quiet whisper.
"Pretty," Donna chuckled. "You're adorable, Mikki.
Adorable for someone who just spent the last hour torturing my
little sister, that is. Anyway, this one is for
the fob of the binder's zipper."
The padlock disappeared behind Mikki's back—Click!—and
she assumed was locked through the aforementioned fob. She
then watched with dread and alarm (and a soupçon of
arousal) as Donna returned to the open locker and lifted a mass
of rattling straps and tinkling buckles off a hook.
Donna sorted out the straps, revealing the mass to be a body
harness. Mikki had no direct experience with such
"garments," but she strongly suspected that was about to
change. "It was only about a half hour,
Donna raised a skeptical eyebrow (and imperfectly suppressed a
smile). "A half hour?"
"I shaved her legs, moisturized her body, and tickled
her feet," Mikki explained. "But only the tickling was
actual 'torture,' per se, and that was only for half an
hour. All the other stuff was... pampering?"
Donna stared evenly at Mikki. "What you did to Lilly's
breasts was pampering?"
Mikki had the good grace to blush and lower her gaze to the
concrete floor. "Uh, okay. Ya got me there."
Donna shook her head and lost her battle not to smile. She
settled the harness over Mikki's shoulders and started
arranging, tightening, and buckling its component straps.
The harness incorporated a bronze ring that now rested just
above Mikki's breasts. Two diagonal, shoulder-yoking
straps converged on the ring, a pair of horizontal straps pinned
her upper arms to her sides, and a fifth, short vertical strap
connected the first ring to a second ring just below her
breasts. The second ring, in turn, had a vertical strap
that connected it to a third ring centered directly over Mikki's
bellybutton. Like the first, the second and third rings
had horizontal straps that further pinned her arms, and the
third ring had a third, much longer vertical strap, the end of
which, at the moment, dangled between Mikki's knees.
None of the harness straps attached to the three rings were
adjustable in the front. All the adjusting and buckling
was happening behind Mikki's back. And whatever was
happening back there, the armbinder was involved. That is,
Mikki surmised the armbinder was involved.
Apparently, there were slots or sleeves or something that
secured the harness to the binder as the straps tightened around
her upper body and trapped arms. "Oh! Hey!
Donna!" Mikki complained (whined).
"Hush, naughty girl," Donna chuckled. Click!
Click! Click! Three more padlocks clicked
closed, apparently locking the buckles of the harness'
horizontal straps.
"Donna!" complained, yet again. "This is tight!"
And it was. Mikki might as well not have arms!
Granted, what she could see of the harness was very stylish
and did complement Mikki's fair, smooth, exquisite
complexion, but it was tight!
Donna embraced Mikki from behind and whispered in her right
ear. "I told you to hush. And stop being so
adorable. How can I punish you if you're going to be
Despite everything that was happening, a smile curled Mikki's
lips. "I can't help it," she said quietly, squirming
weakly in Donna's warm grip. Her heart was pounding... and
she knew Donna could probably tell. Also, Donna's breasts
were pressing against her leather encased arms and harnessed
back, and they felt good. Also, Donna smelled
"It was Lilly's fault," Mikki said quietly. Her heart was
still pounding, and her breasts were heaving, just a little.
"Lilly's fault?" Mikki purred.
"Lilly was so damn cute all stretched out and sweaty and and
cute like that," Mikki pouted. "What was I supposed to
Donna chuckled. "What indeed, but earn yourself some serious
Mikki bit her lower lip. "What kind of
"I told you to hush," Donna chuckled, then reached between
Mikki's legs, lifted the single remaining dangling strap, pulled
it between Mikki's legs, and threaded it through a buckle
somewhere behind her back. And then—
"Eeep!" Mikki bleated
—Donna used one hand to insure the strap was properly
positioned, pulled out all the slack, then secured the
buckle. The strap now cleaved Mikki's labia and butt
cheeks, and to ensure the supple leather properly cleaved her
pussy, Donna had been "required" her to intimately handle
Mikki's labia! The sensation had been remarkable.
A delicate shiver rippled through the anatomy in question while
the leather found its new home. Mikki supposed that was
inevitable. Also, she noted the absence of a click!
The crotch strap was not padlocked.
"That's tight," Mikki whined.
"You just will not be quiet, you naughty girl," Donna
purred, then released her embrace, strolled to the open locker,
and returned with a leather hood. "I can help you with
eyes widened. She recognized the model. It was a
"Gwen hood," invented (as far as she knew) by the late, great
John Willie, whose real name was John Couttes. The leather
was the same color and texture as the rest of her costume, and
the buckles were the same dark bronze, and it was a real
Gwen hood, just like the one Fifi the maid had used to silence
Sweet Gwendoline in Gwendoline and the Missing Princess.
[The Adventures
of Sweet Gwendoline.]
"Donna!" Mikki whined, but her expression was one of
fascination, not horror. This was the genuine article!
It not only had the oval-shaped opening in the front that would
leave only her nose, eyes, and forehead exposed, but had the
authentic chin-cupping strap that would cover her lower face and
buckle at the crown of her head, and a second strap that would
tighten across her mouth and buckle at the nape of her neck!
And then—"Mrrrf!"—Donna crammed a rather large ball of
mint-green, medium density foam into Mikki's mouth. It was
more or less a Nerf ball, and was large enough to fill her oral
cavity to capacity but soft enough for her to close her jaws and
bite down until her lips met.
"If you spit that out," Donna warned, "you'll get a
spanking. Now, hold still."
Mikki didn't spit out the Nerf ball and she did hold
still. She didn't want a spanking.
Donna proceeded to pull the hood over Mikki's head, adjust her
ginger ponytail so it draped down her back, adjusted the
zipper's gusset to protect said hair, then zipped the hood
closed. It hugged Mikki's head like a latex swimming
cap. She tightened the chin-strap/mouth-panel and secured
its buckle, then did the same for the across-the-mouth
strap. Mikki was now hooded and gagged, very
effectively gagged.
Yes, very effectively gagged.
Donna closed the locker, strolled to the chamber door, swung it
open, and smiled at her naked prisoner. "Let's find you
someplace comfortable where you can wait for your punishment,
shall we?"
Uh... Mikki thought, if it's all the same to you...
Donna's smile turned rather sinister. "There's a
nipple-clamp-leash in another locker," she announced. "Do
you want me to fetch it?
Mikki's eyes popped wide and she shook her head, rather
frantically. "Nrrr!"
"Then come," Donna ordered, then stepped across the threshold
and headed down the hallway.
Mikki padded in her wake. All things considered, she had
very little choice.