

by Van
© 2020 |
5 |
languishing... and there's languishing! Elke was
Abby had tied her up—which had seemed "reasonable" at the
time. It was all part of Abby's plan to teach her how to
better tie up her BFF, which was clearly a laudable goal.
Specifically, the gorgeous, 40-something redhead had provided
Elke's first "box-tie" experience by folding her arms behind her
back and using hemp rope to pin her arms to her torso, yoke her
shoulders, and bind her wrists. Then, Abby had introduced
the "ladder-tie" by repeatedly looping and cinching her legs
together. Finally, she'd buckled a ball-gag around Elke's
neck but had not crammed it into her mouth. This
was so Elke could "appreciate" that Abby could gag her any time
she wanted to. Apparently, the psychology of
being a tied-up damsel was as important as being a tied
up damsel. And then, Abby had abandoned her to
writhe, roll, squirm, and struggle (see also wiggle and wriggle)
on the canvas-cover of the outdoor bed next to Abby's fabulous
swimming pool. And Elke was clad only in a
skimpy, snow-white string-bikini!
That was languishing.
And then, Lilly showed up and enhanced Elke's condition
by cramming the ball-gag into her mouth and buckling it
tight, thereby transforming it from a gag teaching aid to
an actual gag! And then, she'd augmented the gag's
efficacy by stretching and adhering a wide strip of medical tape
to cover the ball-gag and most of Elke's lower face! Next,
Lilly stripped off Elke's bikini (!!!), tied her big toes
together, braided and bundled her hair with a second cord, then
stretched her full-length on the canvas-covered bed and lashed
her in place! Lilly then re-abandoned her!
That was languishing!
Enough with going along with the game! Enough with
learning naughty things she could do to her ginger-haired
Unfortunately, Elke's double gag (tape and ball-gag) was
more than enough to muffle her attempted scream, rendering it
unintelligible and reducing the volume from "scream" to an
"enthusiastic mumbling noise." There was also the issue of
nobody being there to hear her no matter what the volume!
And squirming didn't help. Elke knew she wasn't going to
free herself, and her big toes and scalp were emphatically
encouraging her to knock it the hell off!
So... all she could do was languish! That and feel
sorry for herself. But she wasn't going to
cry. Not even a little. Also, much to her surprise,
Elke found she wasn't terrified. She wasn't even scared,
not really. Would she rather not be naked and
stringently tied up at poolside? YES!! (Duh.)
Was she terrified? No. (Go figure.)
Did she have a serious beef with Lilly? YES!! (Ya
think?) Was she angry with Abby? Uh...
no. Abby still enjoyed "nice" status, probably from the
thoughtful and friendly way she'd conducted herself during her
part of the lesson. Of course, that had made Elke easy
pickings for The Evil Lilly, so... Things were
"Oh. My. Word!"
Elke turned her head (Ow!) to find Abby striding towards
the bed and staring down at her with a shocked expression.
Somehow, the nice redhead had more-or-less sneaked up on her
while she was busy feeling sorry for herself and/or pondering
her feelings. Abby had changed out of her jade-green
string-bikini, as she'd said she would, and was now wearing a
white cotton short-sleeve blouse and a decidedly skimpy pair of
faded, denim-blue cut-offs, what are commonly referred to as
"Daisy Dukes." Her feet were bare, which explained her
ability to pitter-patter around the pool area and sneak-up on
poor, innocent languishing bound and gagged damsels
like Elke.
Also, by all appearances, Abby was not happy to find
Elke in her current state. However, rather than untying
Poor Elke immediately, her shocked dismay turned into a grim
scowl. She reached into her hip pocket, pulled out an
iPhone, and snapped a photo of Elke's condition.
"Hold that thought," Abby said as her thumbs tapped out a text
Expert in the ways of Social Media, Elke surmised Abby was
sharing the photo she'd just taken with somebody. The
naked, bound, and gagged captive desperately hoped it wasn't her
Instagram and/or Facebook followers (assuming Abby had Instagram
and/or Facebook followers).
Text sent, Abby was now holding the phone to her right ear and
speaking. She still wasn't happy. "Did you do
this?" Abby demanded (asking whoever she was calling), then spun
on her bare feet and padded several steps away, still talking
and not releasing Poor Elke. "Of course!" Abby
continued. "Who else could it be?" There was
a pause while she listened. "Exactly." she continued,
still walking. "What I want you to do is..."
The distance was now great enough that Elke could no longer make
out what her "nice" captor (and should-be rescuer) was
saying. She watched as Abby continued her conversation,
now and then gesticulating in an irritated manner.
"Mrrrk?" Elke tried again, but Abby was still busy with her
call. Elke had no choice but to wait... patiently.
Finally, Abby pocketed her phone and stomped (padded) back to
the bed. She stooped and retrieved the scissors from the
Green Shopping Bag of Villainous Supplies still resting on the
flagstones next to the bed, sat down, leaned close, and severed
the cord binding Elke's braided and bundled hair and pinning her
to the bed. "I'm sorry about this, darling," Abby
sighed. "This is Lilly's doing, isn't it."
It was a question in the form of a statement, and as soon as the
severing of the cord allowed, Elke nodded and provided gagged
verbal confirmation. "Mrrr."
Granted, Elke's syntax was less than precise, but Abby
understood. She heaved another sigh, then shifted position
and severed the cord binding Elke's big toes. As Elke's
braided hair was no longer pinning her head to the mattress, she
could lift said tape-and-ball-gagged head and watch as Abby
completed freeing her toes, put down the scissors, and set to
work untying her rope ankle bonds and ladder-tied legs.
This took a while, as during the binding process Abby had done
her due diligence and cinched each and every "rung" of the
leg-ladder-tie. There were a lot of things to
untie... but Abby was making steady progress.
Not that it was either here nor there, but Elke noted that the
several inches of cord maintaining her braid were still
intact. She had no idea what her current coif actually
looked like, but suspected it was a braided topknot ponytail,
and a sloppy, uneven one at that. Not her best look.
Abby continued unraveling the ladder-tie... and eventually, she
was finished. "There," Abby said. "Now, come
with me."
And with that, Abby lifted Poor Elke from the poolside bed, made
sure her bare feet were safely planted on the poolside
flagstones (next to Abby's bare feet), draped a friendly and/or
maternal arm over Elke's rope-yoked shoulders, and led her
towards the stairs to the mansion.
"Mrrrf?" Elke inquired.
"Yes, I know, dear," Abby commiserated. "Lilly shouldn't
have been so mean. Don't worry. Donna's on the
Actually, Elke had been concerned about relief from her
combination tape and ball-gag, as well as the box-tie, not raising
the issue of Donna's Evil Little Sister. Clearly,
additional rescue was required, but Abby wasn't in a hurry to
deal with Elke's rope, tape, rubber, and leather strap
issues. Either Abby had misunderstood or... something.
So... the game continues. Elke heaved a petulant
Now that they were out from under the canopy and climbing the
steps towards the Magnificent Modern Mountainside Mansion, the
sun was hot on Elke's bare skin. The day was turning into
something of a minor scorcher. It was a good thing the
interior of the mansion would be air-conditioned and cool.
Mikki was much
happier languishing in her current location, the nice soft bed
of her luxurious guest bedroom, as opposed to the tiny dark cell
down below.
Also, the black leather muzzle-ball-gag was no longer plugging
her mouth, pressing against her lips, cupping her chin, and
buckled at the nape of her neck. It had been removed, as
had the cute little black leather binder that had previously
bound her big-toes and ankles together. And the
same went for the pair of the black leather straps that had been
buckled around her legs above and below her knees. All of
those former restraints were resting on the bed with
her. However, the super-tight, super-inescapable canvas
(with leather trim) straitjacket was still embracing Mikki's
naked and string-bikini-less body.
In summary, Mikki might be naked, straitjacketed, resting on her
comfortable guest-bed, and waiting for somebody to show up and
complete the rescue Donna had started, but at least she wasn't
locked in a tiny, dark, subterranean cell, toe-ankle-leg-bound,
gagged, and straitjacketed.
And then, Mikki heard the welcome sound of the bedroom door
being unlocked. Click! It swung open and
Abby and Elke entered. To be more precise, Elke stumbled
into the bedroom, having just received gentle encouragement in
the form of a shove from Abby, who was smiling from just across
the threshold.
"You girls wait here," Abby beamed, then stepped back into the
hallway, closed, and re-locked the door. Click!
So, naked, lying on her side on the bed, and strapped in the
straitjacket, Mikki stared at Elke.
Naked, box-tied, tape-ball-gagged, and her eyes wide and
blinking, Elke stared back.
Well... this is new, Mikki noted as she visually
inventoried her BFF's condition. Then she remembered she
wasn't gagged. "Uh... hey."
"Mrrrf!" Elke frowned, wiggled her upper body, and stamped
her right foot for emphasis.
Mikki sat up, stood, and shrugged apologetically (in a
canvas-encased sort of way). "Well, yeah, but what do you
expect me to do about it?"
Elke continued staring at Mikki through her glasses (which, by
some minor miracle, were still firmly in place, in spite all
she'd been through this morning). She has a point.
Elke stepped forward, did a twisting, stooping half-turn that
brought the groping fingers of her box-tied right hand within
range of the key buckles of Mikki's straitjacket, meaning the
buckles enforcing Mikki's
arms-folded-across-her-tummy-self-hug. Frowning in gagged
concentration, she set to work.
"Oh... good idea," Mikki muttered (stating the obvious), and
stood perfectly still to expedite Elke's fumbling, awkward
Elke rolled her eyes and continued fumbling. No, ya
think? Eventually, she made progress. In fact,
as the fumbling seconds passed, she got better and better at the
art of releasing friction-buckles with only one hand. In
less than two minutes she'd unbuckled enough of the stupid
things that Mikki could shrug her shoulders out of the jacket,
extricate her arms, and deal with the rest. Elke watched
as her BFF released the last buckle, tossed the jacket on the
bed, then executed a back-arching, reach-for-the-sky, full-body
"Eyaah!" Next, Mikki executed a series of torso
twists. "It's good to be out of that thing. It was
tight. Look, I'm all sweaty."
Mikki's arms and torso were, indeed, a little sweaty, but Elke
didn't care. She waited patiently (for about two seconds)
for Mikki to start untying her, then stamped her bare foot,
again. "Mrrrf!"
Mikki frowned. "What the hell did you do to your hair?"
she inquired, then stepped behind her naked, box-tied and
tape-ball-gagged BFF and started messing with her unsightly,
sloppy, uneven, cord-enforced braid.
Elke rolled her eyes, yet again. Mikki was not this
stupid. In fact, for a non-math major, Mikki was pretty
damn smart. Unfortunately, she also had a wicked sense of
humor and an irritating habit of messing with her BFF
whenever she got half a chance. And obviously, Elke's
current box-tied and gagged condition was giving the colossal dweeb
a full chance.
"Mrrrk!" Elke complained as her naked BFF stopped messing with
her hair, tossed the twenty to thirty inches of cord that had
been enforcing the sloppy braid onto the bed, then led Elke's
naked box-tied, and gagged self to a chest of drawers off to
their left. A brush and comb set rested in a small tray
atop the chest of drawers and a mirror hung on the wall directly
Elke watched in the mirror (sullenly) as Mikki used the brush
and comb to straighten and restore her hair to its usual
face-framing drape. Her hairstyling task accomplished,
Mikki smiled and focused on their reflections in the
mirror. Mikki was proud of her efforts. Elke was
"I quite agree," Mikki nodded. "That's a magnificent gag.
The ball. The way the tape clings to your face. I
can see the shape of your lips and the bulge of the
ball. Magnificent." Her smile brightened. "Oh,
I know! Let's compare!"
Elke watched (in naked, box-tied, and gagged disbelief) as Mikki
scampered to the bed and returned with the
muzzle-ball-gag. She also watched (still disbelieving) as
Mikki popped the ball into her own mouth, nestled her chin in
the muzzle's cup, pressed the front panel tight against her
lower-face, threaded the buckle behind her head, freed her long
ginger curls from under the strap, then tightened and secured
the buckle. She then grabbed the brush and quickly
straightened the long, ginger curls in question.
Now the BFFs could properly compare gags. Mikki
smiled (with her eyes) and used her right index finger to sketch
the outline of her underlying gagged lips... then tapped the
bulging surface of the underlying ball. "Mrrrf?" she
Yes, Elke silently fumed, I see the shape of your
stupid lips and the stupid ball plugging your stupid
mouth. Dweeb!
Just then—Click!—the door unlocked, swung open, and Donna
entered the bedroom. She was still wearing the sneakers,
jeans, and white cotton blouse with the sleeves rolled up Mikki
had seen earlier when she was rescued from the Tiny Dark Cell of
Subterranean Doom. Elke was admiring the ensemble for the
first time.
"Not ready to receive visitors?" Donna chuckled, took a side
trip to the bed, and snatched up the length of cord that had
enforced Elke's former braid.
"Mrrr?" Mikki inquired (objected) as Donna spun her around,
pulled her arms behind her back, and quickly, deftly, looped and
cinched the cord and tied her crossed wrists together!
Serves you right! Elke silently huffed and watched as
Donna gave the cord a final tight cinch, tied a tight
bow, then tucked the ends of the bow through the cords between
Mikki's wrists where they would be completely out of
the reach of her BFF's fluttering fingers. I hope
you're happy, Elke fumed, glaring at Mikki, you total
and complete dweeb! Now we're both naked,
bound, and gagged!
Donna spun Mikki around once again, leaned in close, and kissed
the ball-bulge of her muzzle-ball-gag. "I was sure you two
would be untied and dressed by this time, but if you want to
continue playing, who am I to say no? Anyway..." She
spun on her sneaker-clad heel and strolled to the bedroom
door. "I have something important to show you down below,
and I suppose we can do it come-as-you-are." Smiling
broadly, she opened the door and made a graceful, sweeping
gesture. "Let's go, ladies."
Mikki stared at Elke. Elke glowered back. Then, both
BFFs turned and padded towards the door. To Elke, it
seemed like the polite thing to do.
Mikki realized they were headed for the infamous
wood-on-the-outside/steel-on-the-inside door leading to the
basement(s). She would have warned Elke what to expect,
but the whole gag issue was getting in the way.
With Donna in the lead and Mikki and Elke following, they
started down the spiral staircase. Donna set a careful,
deliberate pace, making sure her naked, bound, and gagged
charges were in no danger of stumbling and/or falling.
Although she was last in line, Elke never even considered
"making a run for it." Where would she go? Also,
Donna was nice, although Elke was starting to entertain the
distinct possibility that nobody in (or now under)
the Magnificent Modern Mountainside Mansion truly deserved
to be sorted into the "nice" category. Also, Donna had
said she had something important to show them, and Elke and her
BFF were house guests, so fleeing in naked, bound, and
gagged terror would be both futile and discourteous.
Elke didn't want to be a rude guest.
Why am I so nonchalant about all this? Elke wondered,
then heaved a quiet, disgruntled (gagged) sigh as they continued
carefully padding down the steel stairs. I'm
nonchalant 'cause I'm not scared. And it was
true. Objectively, Elke knew she had ample reason to be
frightened, as well as outraged, but she wasn't. None of
what had happened so far (or was happening now) had a truly
sinister vibe. Theatrical? Maybe, but Elke still
had no clear idea why she felt that way.
Also, while none of this rope-happy nonsense was Elke's
proverbial cup of tea, so far it had all been innocent, albeit adult,
"fun," and Elke was used to Mikki indulging in innocent adult
nonsense. That meant extending the same attitude to Abby,
Donna, and Lilly wasn't much of a stretch. Did Elke want
to be roped into their stupid games (pun intended).
No, but eventually things would return to "normal." They
had to. Right?
They reached a landing, Donna opened a door, then ushered the
girls into the corridor beyond.
At the moment, Mikki was busy hoping the "important something"
Donna wanted to show them wasn't the tiny cell where she'd been
incarcerated by Lilly.
Elke was busy absorbing the poured concrete, dim industrial
lighting, gray steel doors, and generally forbidding
institutional ambiance. Obviously, Abby's decorator hadn't
made it to the basement.
Reaching their destination required more padding, as well as two
left turns, one right turn, and the passing of a large number of
closed steel doors. Finally, Donna called a halt in front
of one such door (apparently chosen at random), produced a
key-ring, unlocked said door—Click!—drew back a
heavy-duty steel bolt—Thunk!—and swung open the heavy
steel portal.
"You girls have fun," Donna wished Mikki and Elke as she ushered
them into the 20-foot by 20-foot space beyond.... then closed,
bolted, and locked the door behind them! Thunk!
Mikki and Elke's eyes popped wide at the sight of what was
before them. Clearly, they were looking at the "important
thing" Donna had insisted they should see!
Illuminated by a bank of about twenty compact spotlights set in
the ceiling was a waist-high, semi-horizontal, X-shaped frame of
heavy wooden timbers. The center of the frame was mounted
on a vertical post and a mechanism of large, formidable, nested
gears of blued steel (including a hand-wheel) strongly hinted at
the ability to vary the angle of the frame.
Additionally—and both Mikki and Elke considered it very important—spreadeagled
on the frame was a very naked and exceedingly well-gagged Lilly
Mikki and Elke padded forward, still staring in... wonder?
Mikki decided to go with "wonder." Elke went with
To amplify, Lilly was naked and sweaty with her wrists and
ankles strapped and padlocked in thick, wide, leather
suspension-cuffs (even though Lilly wasn't suspended),
her gag was a muzzle-ball-gag-bridle-harness (also padlocked)
that tightly caged her head. Also, Lilly's spreadeagled
predicament was stringent enough to emphasize her excellent
muscle tone and make her tummy appear even more "ripped" than
usual. Her breasts were semi-flattened. The "semi-"
qualifier was appropriate because the boobs in question enjoyed
somewhat generous volume. Lilly wasn't Donna, but they were
sisters. Lilly was number two in the ranking on the
mansion's breast volume roster.
Elke continued staring in shocked disbelief (see also
Mikki also stared... then sat on the floor, passed her crossed
and cord-bound wrists past her butt, passed her feet and legs
through her arms, then scrambled back to her bare feet.
The maneuver put her cord-bound wrists in front, of course, so
Mikki was able to reach behind her head and release the buckle
of her muzzle-gag. She then eased the spherical plug from
her mouth, tossed the gag aside, and attacked her wrist-cord
with her teeth and full lips.
Elke divided her attention between the literal floor show of her
BFF freeing herself and the spectacle of
Finally free (and naked), Mikki reached for the ceiling in
another full-length, back-arching, boob-flattening stretch...
and heaved another sigh. "Arrrrrgh!" She then smiled
at her still box-tied, tape-ball-gagged, naked, and staring
BFF. "Isn't this weird?" Mikki observed
brightly. "I'm the one that likes to play at being
tied up..." Her smile broadened. "And you're
the one that's tied up..." She pointed at Lilly.
"And she's the one that's tied up! Weird!"
If Elke hadn't been distracted by Lilly's naked helplessness,
she might have given Mikki's observations the response they so
richly deserved: a swift kick between her stupid legs.
As it was, Elke settled for a Haughty Glower of Profound
Disdain... then resumed staring at Lilly.
The head end of the X-frame was raised above the horizontal
about ten degrees and incorporated a modest timber block that
allowed Lilly to rest her slightly elevated, super-gagged
head. Truth be told, the "X" was more accurately described
as a human stick-figure. And upon closer examination, the
wrist and ankle suspension cuffs were secured to short,
heavy-duty steel cables that wound onto compact, adjustable
steel drums. Unfortunately for Lilly and anyone who might
feel inclined to lessen the tension of Lilly's stretched body,
the drums were locked in place by steel bolts secured by
deadbolt locks. So... Lilly's restraints, gag, and the
frame itself were all locked, and no keys were anywhere in
Therefore, at the moment, rescuing the tautly stretched, naked,
and sweaty villainess wasn't an option, even if her potential
rescuers felt mercifully inclined.
Lilly gazed up at Mikki and Elke. She didn't seem
especially perturbed by her situation. Sweaty and
stretched? Yes. Perturbed? No.
Mikki, on the other hand, was clearly amused, and her smile
carried an unmistakable undertone of gloating.
Arms crossed under her naked breasts, she savored the moment.
Elke was... confused... and trying her best to focus on the big
picture. Abby and Donna were playing a game. Lilly
as well. Elke already knew that, of course, but the rules
and parameters of the game remained elusive. There was
always the possibility the denizens of the Magnificent Modern
Mountainside Mansion were making it all up as they went along...
but she didn't think so. Abby had a plan, and it was Abby's
game... or maybe Abby and Donna's game.
And even if they were playing some bizarre form of
three-dimensional chess, Elke was a naked, box-tied, and gagged
pawn. It was time to change that, or at least some
of it.
Elke padded a step closer to her BFF's side. "Mrrrf!"
Mikki turned her head to focus her infuriating smile on
Elke. "What?"
Staring daggers, Elke squirmed and twisted at the waist, then stamped
her bare right foot for emphasis. "Mrrrf!"
Mikki spun Elke around—parted her blond tresses, unbuckled her
ball-gag, re-buckled the strap on its first hole—spun her back
around so they were face-to-face—then teased back a corner of
the tape-gag. "Hold still," she ordered. Then, her
full lips pursed in concentration, she slowly, carefully peeled
the tape from Elke's lower face. The strip stretched her
BFF's skin as the adhesive surrendered its grip; however, the
process had the side-effect of aiding Elke in her efforts to
expel the rubber ball from her mouth.
Finally, Elke's face was tape-free and the ball-gag left her
mouth, bounced once against her upper chest, and became a truly
ugly necklace.
"Finally," Elke huffed as she licked her lips, swallowed, tossed
her head to get her tousled hair out of her face, then glowered
at Mikki. "What is the matter with you?" she
demanded, then realized she'd lost her audience. Mikki had
returned to ogling Lilly.
Lilly continued being completely unfazed by her audience and the
situation. In Lilly's place, Elke probably would have been
tugging on her bonds, squirming, struggling, and begging for
release with big, blue, pathetic eyes welling with tears.
Lilly's eyes were brown, but she could have easily carried off
the rest of it. As it was, all Lilly did was lie there...
naked, helpless, sweaty, and slightly amused.
"Untie me," Elke demanded.
"It is hot in here," Mikki noted, still staring at
Lilly's nude, stretched, glistening body. "Before
too long we'll probably be sweating too."
Elke stomped her right bare foot, again. "Un.
Tie. Me!"
Instead of answering (or complying with her BFF's ultimatum),
Mikki pointed to the wooden table up against the wall off to
their right. "Look," she said, then padded in that
"Arrrrr!" Elke growled in frustration, then padded after her
supposed BFF. She'd already noticed the table, of course,
but it hadn't really registered. Lilly-on-the-frame was very
It was a simple, solidly built, waist-high worktable with a
two-foot-wide top. There were things resting on
it, but at the moment they were bumps and mounds under a dust
cloth of natural linen. Mikki rectified the situation by
lifting the edge of the cloth and flipping it back. The
cloth fluttered to the ground and revealed the table's contents.
"Oh my," Mikki gasped.
The contents in question were:
● Four liter-size plastic bottles of spring
● A can of "Pure Silk® Raspberry Mist Spa Therapy Shave
● A lavender-colored feminine razor with two five-blade
replacement heads resting on a folded terrycloth hand-towel.
● A pump-bottle of "Avalon Organics® Lavender Hand &
Body Lotion."
● A plastic tube of "Deep Heating® Pain Relieving Rub"
that claimed to be "ultra-strength" and "fast-acting."
● A glass jar containing several camelhair brushes of
various sizes.
● A much smaller jar containing several Q-tip type
cotton swabs.
● A box of facial tissues.
● A box of alcohol wet-wipes.
● A box of latex gloves.
● A glass jar containing a dozen long, stiff, white
quills, possibly goose or swan flight-feathers.
● An array of a dozen or more stainless steel forceps,
some of the clamping variety.
● A blunt-tip steel probe.
● A fork-like steel probe with its tines bent to form a
tiny rake.
● A pinwheel of needle-sharp points spinning on a steel
● A glass bowl of fifty or more spring-loaded wooden
clothespins of various sizes.
● A smaller glass bowl of a hundred or more rubber
● A wand-style vibrator plugged into a recharging stand
that was in turn plugged into a wall socket!
"Oh my," Elke agreed.
The BFFs stared at the items on the table for several long
seconds... then Elke turned to Mikki. "Untie me," she
Mikki smiled, then shook her head. "Think about it.
If you're all tied up and helpless, Abby and Donna won't be able
to blame you for any of the horrible things I'm about to do to
Elke swallowed nervously. So, her ginger-haired freak of a
BFF dweeb was also playing the game, and not as
a pawn. She has a point. "Untie me," Elke
reiterated, upping the ante with her best wounded pout, followed
by another (and this time rather pathetic) bare footed stomp.
Again, Mikki shook her head. She picked up one of the
bottles of spring water, cracked and removed the cap, took a
deep drink... then held the bottle to Elke's lips so she could
do the same. Mikki then restored the cap, placed the
bottle back on the table, and once again smiled at her still
pouting BFF. "Don't ask to be untied again, Sweetie, or
I'll give you your gag back."
Elke stared daggers at her BFF. "You wouldn't dare," she
huffed. Actually, Elke knew her BFF would restore
the ball-gag still dangling around her neck in the proverbial
heartbeat, but that didn't mean she had to be happy about
it. Elke stole a glance at Lilly, who must have heard
everything Mikki just said, but, by all appearances, remained
totally unfazed. She turned back to find Mikki once again
contemplating the table and its contents.
Mikki selected one of the rubber bands, pulled her ginger curls
back and used it to enforce a loose ponytail, then returned to
contemplating the treasures of the table.
"So," Mikki sighed, "where to begin."
In Elke's naked and box-tied opinion, Mikki's smile had never
been more menacing.