

by Van
© 2020 |
4 |
"This is nuts!"
Elke reiterated. Without a doubt, her terse summary of the
situation was eminently logical and totally irrefutable,
Elke and Abby were sitting around a small cafe table under the
marginal shade of a tautly stretched sun-sail beside Abby's magnificent
swimming pool.
● Elke and Abby
were dressed (if you could call it that) in nothing but skimpy
string-bikinis! Elke's was snow-white and Abby's was
● For the
purpose of assessing her "rigging" skills, Abby had just
tossed her a ten or fifteen foot length of soft, pliant,
natural fiber rope and suggested she should tie her up!
● And
all of that was just nuts!
"Don't worry, Elke,"
Abby said with a warm smile. "I know you won't hurt
me. I trust you, darling."
"Hurt you?" Elke blurted. (Her cheeks blushed
bright crimson). "Of course I won't—" Her
horrified shock morphed into a petulant frown. "You're
teasing me."
"I'm sorry, Elke," Abby chuckled. "I couldn't
resist." She picked up the second, still neatly coiled
length of rope she'd pulled from the still the bulging
hunter-green shopping bag, added the handles of the bag itself,
then stood and held out her free hand. "Come," she
suggested (ordered).
Still frowning, Elke stood, took Abby's offered hand, and
allowed herself to be led to a poolside pavilion tucked into an
alcove of boulders. Overhead was an opaque sun-sail, and a
large platform bed covered with a canvas dust cover.
"Sometimes," Abby explained, "Donna and I sleep here during the
summer months, under the stars. Out here, after we retract
the canopy, the night sky is truly amazing."
Elke nodded. I can see that. Turn out all the
lights and it would be like a planetarium. Her blush
deepened. Actually, it would be the other way
around. A planetarium would be like this... or
that. I'm nervous. She watched as Abby dropped
the second coil of rope on the bed, settled the green shopping
bag on the flagstones next to the bed, then turned her back and
placed her hands together, palm-to-palm, atop her jade-green,
bikini-clad rump. Her intent was obvious. She really
did want Elke to tie her up!
Elke stared at Abby's hands (and the jade-green, bikini-clad
rump in question). "Uh... how do you want me to—"
"However you want, Elke," Abby interrupted, answering the
obvious question. "As long as it's tight and I won't be
able to escape."
Which we've already established I don't know how to do,
Elke silently groused, She noted that the rope in her
hands was longer than the hank of cotton clothesline she used to
use to try and tie Mikki's wrists, before they switched
over to the fuzzy pink handcuffs, so maybe that would make a
difference. "I'll try," she sighed, and set to work.
Elke took several horizontal loops around Abby's wrists, at
least three more than she'd been able to do with Mikki's wrists
and the old clothesline, and there was still rope remaining to
vertically wrap between Abby's wrists, two times! Finally,
Elke tied a tight knot. As far as she could tell, she'd
done a good job. Maybe she wasn't such a lousy "rigger"
after all, but had been working with inferior materials.
She meant the clothesline, of course, not Mikki.
Mikki's wrists were in no way inferior. Anyway, back in
the present, Abby's wrists were well and truly tied! So
Abby spun back around to face Elke, sat on the bed, lifted her
feet onto the canvas covered mattress, reclined full length,
lying on her bound hands, smiled, pointed her feet, and wiggled
her toes. "Ankles," she instructed.
Yes, they are, Elke thought, then realized what Abby
wanted. Frowning in concentration, she released the hitch
on the second coil of rope and set to work binding her hostess'
ankles. They were very nice ankles, by the way, attached
to a very shapely pair of legs and a very shapely pair
of bare feet, and they (ankles, legs, feet, and the rest of
Abby) were smooth and toned, with the sun-flush redheads get
when they do a little sunbathing, but not too much sunbathing.
Elke used the same technique binding Abby's ankles she's used to
bind her wrists, and soon, she tied the final knot and the
ankles in question were, indeed, bound.
Elke took a step back, folded her arms across her chest and
under her breasts, and gazed down at Abby's bikini-clad and now
bound body. Of their own volition, Elke's lips
curled in a ghost of a smile, a ghost of a gloating
smile. Abby was busy tugging on her bonds and kicking her
feet. She wasn't freaking out, of course, but she was
(in Elke's opinion) making a genuine effort to free
herself, and she wasn't making any progress! A thrill
rippled up Elke's spine. I did it! I'm a rigger!
Elke continued watching as her prisoner continued
struggling. Abby's body (her peach-pink, smooth, toned,
shapely body) was shielding her bound wrists from sight, but
Abby was rolling her shoulders and squirming on the mattress and
it was abundantly obvious that she was trying to free her
wrists, emphasis on "trying." The feeling of power was
both novel and... naughty. Tying up Mikki had been an
ongoing prank, a hoot-and-a-holler, as the saying goes, but
tying up Abby was different. She was a beautiful, mature
woman... and she was in Elke's power! It was... intoxicating.
Abby smiled up at her captor. "Intoxicating, isn't
it? The feeling of power?"
She's reading my mind! Elke's smile became a
gloating pout. She hadn't even known a gloating pout was
possible, but now one was curling her lips. Maybe it was a
smile and not a pout, but whatever her expression, Elke was in
charge, so it didn't matter whether Abby was telepathic
or not, which she wasn't. Anyway... "I wouldn't say
that," Elke muttered.
"No, you wouldn't," Abby purred, "not out loud."
She is telepathic, Elke thought, or maybe
I'm just that easy to read. Abby squirmed on the bed
erotically, continuing to test her bonds. Stop that,
Elke chided herself. Forty-something redheads don't do
things 'erotically,' not even incredibly shapely, fit,
bikini-clad forty-something redheads... except from an
entirely objective point of view, of course.
"How else did you tie up Mikki?" Abby asked, continuing to
wiggle and squirm. "By which I mean where else."
"Huh?" Elke answered, "I mean, Mikki did all the rest of the
tying—knees and around her arms and between her, uh..."
She blushed and made a circular motion with her right index
finger. "Around and around her upper body. She did
it all herself. I didn't even tie her ankles." She
gazed at Abby's bound feet. "Like I did yours... meaning
your ankles." Stop being such a dork! she chided
herself. And stop blushing!
"I see," Abby chuckled. "Perhaps if you had, you would
have had a better appreciation of the emotional dynamics in this
sort of thing and would have been better motivated to improve
your skills."
Said the forty-something incredibly hot tied up redhead,
Elke silently gloated. "Perhaps," she agreed, figuring she
might as well be charitable.
"Anyway," Abby continued, "in order to make real progress as a
rigger, you'll need to experience both sides of the equation."
Elke blinked in surprise. Does that mean what I think
it means? "Both sides?"
"Remember, Elke," Abby purred. "you promised to put yourself in
my hands, to follow all of my instructions, to the letter."
"I remember," Elke admitted, then she put her hands on her hips
and her lips curled in a blatantly impudent smile.
"But seeing as how the hands I've put myself in are tied up,
perhaps a little renegotiation is in order."
Abby's smile broadened. "Oh, Elke, you're so adorable
like that, all sure of yourself and in charge." And then,
still smiling broadly, she pulled her hands from behind her
back. The tangled length of hemp rope was in her left
hand, and not binding her wrists! "Renegotiation
will not be happening."
Elke watched in abject horror as Abby untied her ankles, then
slowly, gracefully, stood and loomed over her supposed
captor. Elke and Abby were roughly the same height, but,
in Elke's very nervous opinion, Abby was definitely looming.
"Absolutely adorable," Abby sighed as she cupped Elke's chin,
leaned close, and planted a quick, light kiss on the blonde's
pursed lips. "You know you have absolutely nothing to be
frightened about, don't you? You know I would never hurt
you in any way."
Elke nodded.
"Then why is your heart pounding?" Abby purred, "and why are you
still blushing?" She affected an impudent smile of her
own. "Didn't I tell you to stop that?"
"N-no reason," Elke stammered. "My heart's
pounding... Because."
Abby laughed and released Elke's chin. "We'll begin
immediately. I have so much to teach you."
Elke was blinking again. "Immediately?" she inquired (in a
whining squeal).
Abby pointed at the hunter-green cloth shopping-bag resting on
the stone flags next to the bed. It still bulged with...
stuff. "I have everything I need for your first lesson."
Strapped in
a cunningly tight canvas (with leather trim) straitjacket that
provided zero slack, no matter how she struggled and
squirmed, Mikki languished in the total darkness of the tiny
cell in the depths beneath her cousin's mansion. Black
leather straps bound her big toes and ankles together, as well
as her legs, above and below her knees. She knew the
straps in question were black, but in the total darkness, they
might as well have been international orange. She
couldn't see the damn things. But she could
certainly feel them. She could also feel the
black rubber ball stuffed in her mouth and the black leather
panel/muzzle pressed against her lower face from ear-to-ear
and nose-to-under-her-chin. Only her hair was
free. It fluttered and flounced as she struggled and
squirmed on the soft mattress cushioning her helpless body.
And adding insult to injury (metaphorically), Lilly, the
author of her predicament, had absconded with her borrowed
cherry-red string-bikini! Supposedly, it was so the
villainess in question could do the laundry this afternoon,
but c'mon! Naked? (Not counting the
straps, straitjacket, and gag, of course.) Naked?
That's just... rude!
Okay, granted, this was an example of one of Mikki's
Damsel-in-Distress fantasies on steroids! Also,
before abandoning her to her current abysmally dark fate,
Lilly had strongly implied she was going to stuff her
in that escape-proof milk can back in the Chamber of Milk Can
Doom—which would have been a Damsel-in-Distress fantasy overdose!
Thankfully, Lilly hadn't stuffed her in the
escape-proof milk can, but clearly she'd enjoyed Mikki's
reaction to the possibility.
Mikki was seriously considering downgrading her initial
assessment of Donna's little sister from slightly older,
stunningly beautiful, nice person—to slightly older,
stunningly beautiful, mean girl.
At least an hour had passed since Lilly had locked her in the
cell... and Mikki had languished the entire time. It was
not how she'd thought the day would be going when she
woke up. Granted, she'd woken up stuffed in a
metal-lined trunk in her guest bedroom wearing several pounds
of various kinds of genuine steel handcuffs and with her mouth
plugged with a ball-gag—until she was "rescued" by Lilly—but
still, her current predicament was... unexpected.
Just then—Thunk!—the bolt barring the door slid back—Click!—the
deadbolt was unlocked, the door opened, and bright, dazzling
light flooded the cell. Objectively, Mikki knew the
light from the hallway was actually somewhat dim, but in the
opinion of her totally dark-adapted, blinking eyes, it was
dazzling. Silhouetted in the open doorway was...
someone. Mikki continued blinking until she recognized
Donna, her nefarious kidnapper's older sister. (The one
with the big boobs).
"I should have known," Donna huffed, then entered the cell,
knelt on the mattress, and unbuckled Mikki's leg, ankle, and
toe straps. "I'm gonna kill her," Donna huffed,
then helped Mikki sit up.
Mikki assumed (meaning desperately hoped) Donna was talking
about Lily, her sister. Meanwhile, Donna had parted her
ginger curls and was unbuckling her muzzle-ball-gag.
"I'm kidding, of course," Donna sighed as she eased the rubber
ball from Mikki's mouth. "I'll just make her wish I'd
killed her."
Mikki licked her lips and swallowed before answering.
"Lilly? Can I help?"
Donna smiled. "Yes, dear; and no, dear. Up
you come." She helped Mikki plant her bare feet and
Mikki could have stood on her own, but she appreciated the
kindness... and hoped Donna's kindness would extend to the
obvious next step in the rescue process: unbuckling and
extricating her from the wickedly tight straitjacket.
Apparently, however, that wasn't on Donna's immediate
agenda. She watched as Donna gathered her former leg,
ankle, and toe straps, and the muzzle-gag, then
draped a friendly arm over her straitjacketed shoulders and
led her from the cell.
Donna was wearing sneakers, jeans, and a white cotton blouse
with the sleeves rolled up. By contrast, Mikki remained
straitjacketed and otherwise nude. Donna strolled and
Mikki padded through the sinister maze that was Abby's
basement... passing door after mysterious door and making turn
after mysterious turn... then climbed the spiral staircase to
the mansion overhead. Mikki was reasonably sure it was
the same staircase Lilly had used when she dragged her down
below, but wasn't absolutely sure. Her impression was
the basement was at least big as big as the main
mansion over their heads and quite possibly larger—only
divided into lots and lots of smaller rooms and with lots and
lots of interconnecting hallways.
It turned out it was the same spiral staircase.
They passed through the same
steel-on-the-inside-and-wood-on-the-outside door and emerged
into the expensively and tastefully appointed Modern
mansion. They then continued on to Mikki's assigned
guest bedroom. She watched as Donna tossed the straps
and gag on the neatly made bed, then pulled her into an
embrace—"Mrrf!"—and planted a decidedly friendly kiss on her
"Wait here, darling," Donna suggested (ordered), smiling
brightly. "Take a nap if you like." She released
her embrace. "I'll be back."
"Uh..." Mikki turned and stared at the bed. "Okay.
I'm not really sleepy, but... Hey! Wait!"
Too late. Donna had left. The door was already
closed, and—Click!—Mikki heard the unmistakable sound
of a key turning in the lock. It hadn't really
registered until now that the door to her guest bedroom even had
a lock... but it did... and now it was locked... and she
was locked in.
"Uh... Thanks for the rescue!" she shouted through the
solid wood panel, then heaved a sigh. "Or partial
rescue," she muttered, "or semi-rescue, or... whatever."
Mikki shook the ginger curls from her face and heaved another
sigh, but she didn't bother pouting. There was no one
there to appreciate it. So, still a
Damsel-in-Distress. Cool... I guess.
back at the pool...
Elke was tied up.
Elke was very tied up.
Elke was tied up with a lot of conditioned hemp rope,
more conditioned hemp rope than she'd thought was even remotely
required to render a person helpless.
Specifically, Elke's arms were folded behind her back, her
wrists crossed and lifted slightly past the horizontal, then
lashed against her spine by a complex web of ropes that pinned
her arms to her sides and yoked her shoulders. It was
all very symmetrical and intricate, with hitches and cinches
(or whatever you call such things) that snugged the ropes
tight and locked everything together into a uniform, uh,
harness. Abby explained that the technique was called a
"box-tie," and that one of its best features was its
suitability for long-term bondage (which Elke didn't find to
be at all reassuring).
Anyway, crafting the box-tie had involved pulling a lot of
rope through rope, but Abby had proved up to the task.
Elke's bonds were tight, but not too tight.
Also, Abby had repeatedly tested the snugness of Elke's ropes
by sliding a pair of fingers under the bands of hemp in
question and against Elke's skin. She explained it was
called "the finger test," and that "uniform tension is
important." It required repeatedly rubbing the backs of
her warm, smooth fingers against Elke's skin and all over her
upper body (and "accidentally" and repeatedly nudging her
white bikini-clad boobs). It was a required exercise,
necessary for proper rigging. (Or so Abby assured her.)
Elke was not only quickly and progressively losing her
freedom, but was receiving what amounted to an upper-body
mini-massage as the rope strands were carefully positioned...
tightened... their alignment adjusted... then readjusted...
their tightness tested... then retested... then more rope
Elke was already familiar with the sound of rope slithering
through rope, but what she wasn't familiar with was
the sound of rope slithering combined with
the feeling of rope slithering. It was sensual,
as was the gentle caress of Abby's sliding fingers, as was the
close proximity of Abby's bikini-clad body to her bikini-clad
body as the web tightened and Elke became progressively more
and more helpless. It was disturbing (in a
non-threatening, sensual sort of way). Elke was
sure that if she didn't trust Abby the way she did (even
though, when she thought about it, they'd only just met,) she
would have been concentrating on struggling, getting away, or
at the very least impeding the binding process as best she
could. But if she'd done all that, she would have missed
the show, the skin-on-skin, rope slithering and vibrating,
sensual, progressive loss of her freedom show.
This is Mikki's thing, Elke thought, not my
thing. Who knew?
Abby eased her down onto the mattress, then proceeded to bind
her legs. Elke's bikini-clad captor explained that she
was using a technique known as the "ladder-tie." A very
long doubled coil of rope was looped around her upper
thighs... cinched between her legs... the slack removed (with
more pulling and sliding of rope and finger testing)... and
what Abby explained was a "hitch to retain the tension."
And then, Abby repeated the entire looping, cinching, and
hitching process a few inches further down Elke's legs and
closer to her bare feet.
Abby's final act was to bind Elke's ankles and feet.
The ladder-tie now dimpled the smooth, fair skin of Elke's
legs every six inches, more-or-less, from her thighs to said
Elke squirmed and wiggled, confirming that she was completely
helpless. It hadn't really been an "assessment."
Elke already knew she was helpless.
Abby smiled and watched as Elke continued rolling and
writhing. Then, Abby stooped, reached into the shopping
bag, and pulled out—a ball-gag! Its black
rubber, spherical mouth-plug was hollow and pierced by a dozen
or so quarter-inch holes. The strap was black leather
with a steel buckle. And it was a ball-gag!
Her eyes wide, Elke stared at the gag and swallowed, nervously
(to say the least). "Abby," she whined, "please
don't gag me. Please!"
Abby settled her bikini-clad rump on the bed (with the gag
still in her hand) and gave Elke's tummy a "reassuring"
pat. "I'm not going to gag you. Elke. But I do
want you to begin appreciating the effect a gag can have
on a damsel's psyche. Here."
"No!" Elke whined. Abby was buckling the ball-gag's
strap around her neck! But she wasn't stuffing the ball
in her pouting mouth! And then, Abby stood, took a step
back, crossed her arms under her breasts, and continued
Elke swallowed. She could feel the ball against her
throat... and the strap against her neck. It was loose,
but she could feel it. And she wasn't gagged.
"See how helpless you feel in the embrace of the
ropes, Elke?" Abby purred. "Feel the gag resting on your
neck, ready to render you even more helpless?"
She sat on the bed, again, and rested her hand on Elke's
tummy, again. "I have all the power," Abby
purred. "You've given it to me, I took it, and I can do
anything I want."
Elke shivered in her incredible bonds and stared into Abby's
big brown eyes and beautiful, smiling face. It's
"Are you beginning to understand why Mikki enjoys feeling like
this?" Abby purred. "Do you enjoy feeling like
this, Elke?"
Elke swallowed before answering. "No," she said,
Abby's smile became somewhat... Skeptical?
Disbelieving? Elke wasn't sure.
"Really, no," Elke reiterated, and it was true (mostly).
Abby chuckled, patted Elke's tummy, then stood. "I'll
give you some time to process all of this," she said.
"Perhaps you'll begin to understand what I'm talking
about." Her smile became a mischievous smirk as she
glanced at her watch. "An hour? That should be
enough. I'm going to change." And with that
announcement, Abby turned and padded away, back to the stairs
up to her Magnificent Mountainside Modern Mansion.
Elke squirmed in her bonds and watched her hostess and captor
depart, trying her best to think of something clever to say,
and failing miserably. She watched Abby's bikini-clad,
nearly naked, super-hot, and dominant form dwindle into the
distance... climb the steps... and enter the mansion...
leaving Elke all alone.
Is this what Mikki feels when I finish putting her to bed
for the night... all bound and helpless? Elke
tested her bound wrists with all her strength, but the only
result was to cause the ropes to squeeze her arms and
shoulders tighter. The pressure went away when she
relaxed, of course. The hemp bands had also pinched her
boobs, but just a little, and the pinching also went
away when she relaxed. Anyway, nothing shifted or
loosened, that was for sure. When I 'put her to
bed,' does Mikki feel stupid? 'Cause I sure
feel stupid. I let Abby tie me up. I sat here
and let Abby tie me up. And now I'm tied up. And
she can... do stuff to me. Of course, Abby
wouldn't do stuff to me and she isn't here, but she
could do stuff to me if she was here.
Elke squirmed in her web of hemp bonds in frustration.
I'm helpless. Helpless and stupid!
A robin swooped up from the valley and landed on the water
feature's birdbath... drank... then started bathing.
Elke watched as a small cloud of water droplets flew in all
directions as the robin flapped its wings and fluffed its
breast feathers. Elke reflected that a number of
equations characterized the trajectories of the flying
droplets... their energy, the height of the arcs, the
dispersion pattern... etc.
The blue sky was still cloudless and with only a negligible
breeze blowing. The air at poolside was rapidly becoming
hot. At least I'm out of the sun, Elke sighed.
on the soft, comfortable, poolside bed in Abby's cruel (but
comfortable) network of ropes was... horrible. A
long, interminable interval had passed since Abby
completed her villainous act and abandoned Elke to her
horrific fate. Poor, innocent me! And so
far, the only thing to distract her from the tight embrace of
the ropes and the feeling of the ball-gag loosely buckled
around her throat had been one dirty robin splashing in the
birdbath. She had no choice but to complete Abby's
homework assignment: contemplating the Damsel-in-Distress
dynamic to better understand Mikki's fascination with bondage.
Oh, the drama! Elke had been languishing at
least... fifteen minutes! Also, as Abby had
"sadistically" announced that she was going to callously
abandon Elke to languish in bikini-clad boundage for a full
hour before returning to release her, something like forty-five
minutes of horrible ordeal remained! Oh, the
Elke gazed up at the canvas canopy overhead. Who am
I kidding, she mused. This is... educational.
Not something I would have sought out on my own, but I am
learning stuff—like how to tie somebody up—and what it
feels like—and what Mikki sees in it. She heaved a
sigh and squirmed in Abby's ropes. Not that I see
anything positive about being a helpless Damsel-in-Distress,
of course. This is... horrible. That's
how I'll remember today when I think back on all of this:
Just then, Elke detected motion out of the corner of one
eye. She lifted her head (causing the perforated ball of
the ball-gag around her neck to nudge the underside of her
chin) and watched Lilly descend the steps from the mansion to
the pool. Donna's little sister had changed from her super-skimpy,
black string-bikini and into work-boots, denim jeans, and a
cotton, short-sleeve blouse, all in black. Apparently,
black (or at least "dark") was Lilly's go-to color.
Am I being rescued? Elke wondered. Did Abby send her to
untie me? "Uh, hi," Elke said, greeting her brunette
savior as she entered the shade and smiled down at the bound
prisoner on the poolside outdoor bed.
"My oh my," Lilly purred. "A helpless damsel."
Elke blinked and swallowed nervously. Lilly was not
acting like a sympathetic rescuer. "Uh... Abby is
teaching me how to... uh..."
"How to be tied up?" Lilly suggested.
Elke swallowed, again. "Uh... yeah. So I'll know
how to tie up Mikki."
"I see." Lilly chuckled. "Certainly a worthy
goal. If anyone around here needs tying up, it's definitely
Elke watched as Lilly's smile widened and became somewhat sinister
(in Elke's opinion, anyway). The evilly smiling
brunette sat on the bed. "Did Abby send you to let me
go?" Elke asked (whined).
"No, sweetie," Lilly chuckled, then reached behind Elke's neck
and unbuckled the ball-gag's buckle. And then—she
crammed the perforated ball into Elke's startled mouth and
buckled the strap tight!
"MRRRF!" Elke complained (understandably).
Lilly, still smiling her beautiful, sinister smile, used her
fingers to comb Elke's blond locks from her wide-eyed, gagged
face. "I came looking for you 'cause I need to do the
Elke blinked. The laundry? What does the
laundry have to do with—"MRRRRRRF!" Lilly had
reached behind her neck and pulled the ends of the bow
securing her snow-white bikini-top! "MRRR!" Elke
squirmed and rolled on the bed but could do nothing to prevent
Lilly from untying the top's second bow, the one behind her
back. Lilly then tugged on the top and pulled it from
under Abby's ropes—cups, strings and all! Elke was now
tied up and topless, with her rope-framed tits on full
display! "NRRRRRRRR!" And now Lilly was removing
her bikini-bottom! Untying its strings and stripping it
from between her legs was even less work than removing the
top! No ropes had been in the way!
Elke was now tied up, ball-gagged, and nude! She
squirmed on the bed and stared up at Lilly... as Lilly smiled
down at her.
"This makes for a better lesson," Lilly purred. "Don't
you agree?"
"Nrrr!" In point of fact, Elke most emphatically did not
"Let's see what else I can do to improve on Abby's
efforts." She started rummaging in the green shopping
bag still resting on the stone flags next to the bed.
"Excellent," she purred, then straightened up holding a wide
roll of white medical tape, a pair of bandage scissors, and
two coils of thin brown cord.
Elke watched in horror as Lilly tossed the two coils onto the
bed, one at the head and the other at the foot, then peeled a
six inch strip of tape from the roll and snipped it free with
the scissors. The roll and scissors were then returned
to the shopping bag. Next, with the strip dangling by
one corner between her forefinger and thumb, she climbed onto
the bed and knelt atop Elke's naked, very tied up, and already
ball-gagged form!
"Hush, Elke," Lilly chuckled as she held the tape between her
two hands. Her knees were splayed and resting on the
mattress on either side of Elke's upper arms with a
significant portion of her weight resting on Elke's
breasts. Elke kicked her bound legs and tried to
struggle, but she was well and truly pinned to the
mattress. Other than complain through her ball-gag, Elke
could do very little to resist as Lilly stretched and applied
the tape over her ball-gagged mouth, then smoothed the tape
with her fingers, making sure its adhesive had achieved
maximum grip on the skin of her lower face and trapped none of
her tousled blond hair.
"Mmmmfh!" Elke had been gagged before, but now she was really
gagged. The volume of her complaints was significantly
Next, Lilly spun around and shifted position so her weight was
atop Elke's knees. She then picked up the coil of brown
cord and... did something involving Elke's foot bonds.
Elke couldn't see what Lilly was doing as Lilly's back was in
the way, but she could definitely feel the cord
tightening around her big toes and being cinched. Next,
Lilly climbed off the bed, stretched the cord taut,
and tied the end somewhere at the foot of the bed-frame.
Elke now had full visual and tactile confirmation that her
toes were, indeed, tied together and tied to her
foot-bonds. Also, her feet were stretched on pointe,
like a captive ballerina's!
And Lilly wasn't through! There was one more coil of
cord! She strolled to the head of the bed, sat, then
gathered Elke's tousled blond hair, divided it with her
fingers, and began plaiting it into a three-part braid.
When she was finished, Elke's braid was folded back on itself
and wrapped with at least a dozen tight coils of cord.
Unfortunately (from Elke's perspective), there was plenty of
cord left, more than enough for Lilly to stretch the free end
to the head of the bed, pull out all the
slack—"Mrrrrf!"—and tie it off to the bed-frame, just as she'd
done with the toe-cord.
The evil, wicked, and not-at-all-nice brunette stood, strolled
to the side of the bed, and smiled down at her poor, innocent,
and not-at-all-deserving-of-such-a-horrible-fate victim.
Elke was lying on her butt, back, and box-tied arms, trussed
with way-too-much hemp rope from shoulders to feet, and
stretched taut by the cords binding her toes and braided
hair. Her blinking, moist, blue eyes stared up at
Lilly's gloating brown eyes.
"There aren't any nipple clamps in Abby's fun bag," Lily
purred. "Pity. You might as well see what they're
like as well. I suppose this will have to do... for
now." She stooped and retrieved Elke's former snow-white
string-bikini, then turned and strolled away, heading back to
the mansion. "Ciao!" she called back over her right
Elke watched Lilly's departure, as best she could. Her
ability to lift and or turn her head was now severely compromised.
And assuming Abby was on schedule, she still had something
like half an hour to wait until her original captor had
promised she'd return. Then, she assumed, Abby would
release her from her "lesson," but what if she didn't...
meaning didn't return or didn't release her?
Elke stared up at the canopy overhead, once again. Abby,
Donna, even Lilly... they all seemed so nice, and
the Magnificent Modern Mountainside Mansion certainly is
nice. A pity that first chance I get I'm going to
have to grab Mikki and flee in total abject terror.