Adventures in Backpacking!
Adventures in Backpacking!

by Van © 2024

Chapter 8

Dramatis Personæ



Sky stared at Fiona, her green eyes wide with horror at the unfolding drama, or melodrama, or whatever.

Fiona stared back, her blue eyes equally wide with horror, terror, apprehension, and/or generalized nervousness (with a discernible undercurrent of curiosity and excitement, in Sky's opinion).

They both turned and stared at Auntie Kelly.

Jacy, Tama, and Lorlei were also staring at Auntie Kelly (and smiling).

Auntie Kelly, on the other hand wasn't staring at anybody, and she certainly wasn't smiling.  Auntie Kelly was concentrating on wiggling, squirming, struggling, and somehow escaping from her apparently inescapable bonds.  Clearly, she did not want to be installed inside her new coffee-table!  Granted, the table in question was undeniably a bondage box and she had commissioned the thing... but it would seem she hadn't meant for it to contain her!


The naked, bound, and gagged redhead was putting considerable effort into her exertions—but her fingers, hands, and wrists remained tightly encased in leather bondage mitts that effectively made them useless flippers that flailed at her sides—her upper arms remained pinned to her torso by the leather belt taken from her jeans—her ankles remained lashed together with a length of hemp cord—her mouth remained spider-gagged and double-panties-stuffed—and her range of motion remained being decidedly constrained by the semi-taut noose of hemp rope around her neck and traveling up and over one of The Great Room's log rafters!

"Well," Jacy sighed (still smiling), "guess we better get on with it."

"Yeah," Tama and Lorelei agreed in unison, and The Evil Lorelei and The Bird Sisters sprang into action.

Lorelei released the noose from around her naked, bound, and gagged employer's neck... and then it happened.

Sky and Fiona leaned forward on the loveseat and watched as The Bird Sisters and their wicked Aussie accomplice lifted the writhing and squirming 40-something redhead off her bare and bound freckled feet, managed to get her more or less supine without her wiggling out of their grasp, then lowered her into the coffee-table/bondage-box!

Without putting her weight into it Tama planted a bent knee across Kelly's lower belly to keep the captive lying flat.  This stabilized Kelly's continuing struggles enough for Jacy and Lorelei, working in tandem, to untie Kelly's ankles, manhandle her ankles into the slots of the lower half of stocks and slide the upper-stock into place.  It locked in place with an audible double-click, trapping Kelly's ankles.  Her thighs were next, just above her knees—Click-click!—followed by her waist and already mitten-encased hands/flippers—Click-click!—followed by her neck—Click-click!  Next, then lifted and lowered the narrow slats of the tabletop directly across the tops of all four sets of stocks.  The slats locked with single-clicks as their steel barrel-locks engaged.  Click... click... click... click!

Jacy turned to smile at Sky-Fi.  "Come on over." she suggested (ordered).

"Yeah," Lorelei grinned.  "Ya need a better view."

Sky and Fiona exchanged a slightly worried look, then stood and shuffled forward to gaze down into the box.  Kelly's captors smiled, made room, then stood close behind them.

Down in the box, Kelly was, in a word, helpless.  She was also naked, freckled, and still squirming... at least a little.  The stocks were close fitting but not overly tight, and as she struggled (or tried to, anyway), everything was oddly quiet, meaning there was no rattling or shaking of any of the wooden elements, not even the top stock-halves.  Everything was rock solid.  The prisoner-of-the-box had very limited wiggle room... but her efforts to twist and squirm were imparting very interesting oscillations to her slightly-flattened-by-gravity boobs.  Also, although Kelly's nipples were pointing, they appeared to be making no contribution to her escape efforts.

Sky-Fi exchanged another look and silently agreed that The Bird Sisters had indeed done an outstanding job and really were master carpenters.

Arms at her sides and feet a few inches apart, Auntie Kelly was stuck.  She wasn't going anywhere.  Sky and Fiona continued gazing down at the hot, bothered, and super-helpless 40-something redhead with abject horror (with a side of arousal).

Then, Lorelei stepped around the table/box, knelt, leaned forward, and added a totally unnecessary pièce de résistance to Kelly's predicament.  She threaded a pair of narrow leather straps through the D-rings in the fingertip regions of Kelly's bondage-mitts through steel pad-eyes screwed into the bed of the box, pulled out the slack, and buckled them tight.  Kelly's already useless and leather-encased hands/flippers were now stretched and more-or-less completely immobilized.

Next, smiling in a smarmy, sneering, and infuriating (but nonetheless overtly loving) manner, Lorelei shuffled a few inches to the side, reached into the box, and rested the palm of her left hand on Kelly's smooth, firm, lower tummy, between the upper margin of her red thicket of pubic curls and her unarguably cute innie-style bellybutton.

Kelly flinched at the intimate contact and glared up at her employee.  Also, as it was now completely obvious that her efforts were futile and ineffectual, she finally stopped struggling.

"You thought I'd be the one testin' yer new box," Lorelei purred, smiling down at her employer, "either that or one of the kids," she added, nodding up at Sky and Fiona.  "Ya never thought you'd be testin' it yerself."  She lifted her smiling face to Sky-Fi and The Bird Sisters.  "I know!  Nipple-clamps!  How 'bout we add a nice pair of really tight nipple-clamps?"

"NRRRMF!"  Apparently, Kelly was of the opinion that they should not add a nice pair of really tight nipple-clamps.

Sky-Fi agreed with Auntie Kelly... although observing a pair of actual nipple-clamps in action would be instructive.

"No," Jacy laughed, shaking her head.  "We're still working on the Hitachi-wand clamp and the steel breast-cage and nipple stretching attachments.  This is a test of the basic box.  Add-on accessories are still in the design phase."

Lorelei shrugged.  "Whatever."  She then stood and one-by-one closed the remaining tabletop slats, enclosing the "sub-boxes" containing Kelly's feet—Click!—lower legs and knees—Click!—thighs, hands, hips, and stretched and leather-encased hands—Click!—and her arms, tummy, torso, boobs, and shoulders—Click!  Only Kelly's now disembodied, gagged, and very disgruntled head remained exposed.  Lorelei retrieved the final slat, the one with a barrel-lock on either side and no hinge, and started to fit it in place—but she was stopped by a gesture from Tama.

"Wait!" Tama said.  "We should use the other one.  I'll get it from the truck."

"But what about those two," Lorelei said, pointing an accusing finger at Sky-Fi.  "When you're gone it'll just be Jacy and me.  Two against two.  What if they overpower us and rescue their 'Auntie' before ya get back?  It'll ruin the test."

Tama paused and gazed thoughtfully at Sky and Fiona... who were clearly confused.  Granted, Sky was a fearsome amazon tomboy and Fiona wasn't a completely useless girlie-girl-damsel... but overpowering Jacy and Lorelei?  Unlikely to say the least.

Lorelei smiled brightly and clicked her fingers.  "I know!"  She stooped and retrieved the pair of hemp cords they'd used to the expedite the process of installing Kelly inside her new coffee-table/bondagebox, tossed one to Tama... there was the proverbial pregnant pause while the grinning blonde and smiling raven-haired beauty prepared the cords for use... then they pounced.





Etc., etc., etc.

It was crystal clear that neither half of Sky-Fi wanted their wrists to be crossed behind their backs and tied together, but it happened.  Did they struggle and complain?  Of course.  Sky had her honor as a Heroic Tomboy to maintain, and apparently Fiona wasn't in the mood.  The youngsters squirmed and twisted and fought... but to no avail.  Okay, it was obvious they were pulling their punches.  They knew it was all a game and the denizens of The Hermitage and The Bird Sisters were actually nice people and not wicked baddies, so they let it happen... sort of.

And then—"Mrrrmpfh!"/"Nrrrrrm!"—the bandanas the captors had used to gag Kelly before replacing the cleave-gag-with-stuffing with the spider-gag-and-two-pairs-of-her-own-used-panties for stuffing were used to give Sky-Fi a pair of tight cleave-gags (without stuffing).  Sky got the short straw as her bandana silencer was the one that had been stuffed in Kelly's outraged mouth and was still a little damp with Auntie-spit.  Yuck!  Fiona was more fortunate in that she got the mostly saliva-free cleave-bandana.

"Okay, then," Tama smiled.  "Be right back."  And with that she was gone, leaving Fiona in the tender care of Lorelei and Sky with Jacy's right arm draped over her shoulders.

Lorelei turned her smile to Jacy.  "Ya think we oughta strip 'em naked?"

Jacy smiled back.  "Why?"

Lorelei shrugged (still smiling).  "General principles... and they might have hidden escape aids."

Sky-Fi rolled their eyes.  They both had folding pocket knives in their jeans pockets, but that was the extent of their "escape aids."  Lorelei was being a ridiculous bitch.

"I am curious to see if Skylar's freckle collection is as extensive as her older cousin's," Jacy purred, smiling down at Kelly's gagged and glowering head.

Still enclosed in the coffee-table's topmost compartment, Kelly didn't dignify her beautiful neighbor's teasing curiosity with even a panties-muffled snort/retort.

Little Red's gotta lotta freckles," Lorelei said, smiling at Sky, "but her tiny titties and bikini zone... less so.  Apparently these two don't do a lot of naked sunbathin' back at school."

Hey!  My titties are not tiny! Sky fumed, glowering at the Ozzie Gull with laser intensity.  They're bigger than yours, Blondie... maybe.

"You and Tama can take the girls out to the pond and strip them there," Jacy decreed.

Sky heaved a cleave-gagged sigh.  With Auntie Kelly busy testing her new box, apparently Jacy Bird was now in charge at The Hermitage.  Well... she is the oldest... and she's beautiful... and somebody has to keep Lorelei in check.

At that moment Tama returned from her errand.  The wooden slat in her hands appeared to be identical to the slat not yet deployed to complete sealing Kelly inside her pretty new box, right down to the pair of barrel-key locking mechanisms, one on either side; however, rather than being a featureless, smooth, stained, and lacquered length of what was probably some species of oak, it had... a window?

Sky decided "window" was as good a description as any.  The slat had a square opening about eight inches on a side with a grid of seamlessly joined inch-wide strips of wood.  The slat and grid-strips were finished to match the rest of the fine (and kinky) new piece of furniture, and the carpentry was flawless.  Sky glanced at Fiona and found her girlfriend was also suitably impressed... in a wide-eyed, bound, and gagged sort of way.

Without further ado Tama slid the grid-window-slat into place and its locks engaged with another authoritative pair of double-clicks.

Auntie's Kelly's encasement/encapsulation/entombment was now  complete... with the exception of the limited view provided by the aforementioned grid/window.

Everybody crowded close and smiled (or grimaced through their gags) down at Kelly's spider-gagged and panties-gagged freckled and blinking face.  It was clearly visible through the four-by-four array of sixteen little one-inch squares defined by the grid.

Sky sighed once again.  Even though the only thing she could see of her 40-something cousin was her gagged face, Auntie Kelly was an amazing damsel-in-distress.  Amazing.  Angry, beautiful, maybe a little scared (although that was probably acting).  Amazing.  She glanced at Fiona, and once again she could tell that her girlfriend agreed.

Lorelei beamed at Tama.  "I think we should take these two out to the pond and go skinny dippin'!" she announced.

Tama grinned.  "Sounds good."

"Take plenty of sunscreen," Jacy cautioned.  "If they come back with sunburns there'll be hell to pay."

"No problem," Lorelei chuckled as she took Fiona by the arm and led her away.

Tama took charge of Sky and they followed.

"We should stake them out on the grass near the pond," Lorelei suggested.

"Don't be culturally offensive," Tama purred.  "This isn't some 1950's Wild West movie with generic 'Injuns' doing wicked things to 'innocent' White settlers for entertainment purposes."

"Point taken," Lorelei shrugged.  "So I guess burying them up to their necks or burning them at the stake is also out of the question?"

"So is staking them out over an anthill," Tama chuckled.

Lorelei heaved an theatrical sigh.  "Pity.  I know where we can find the perfect anthill.  It's on the far side of the stables near the compost pile.  Nobody would hear them scream."

"Especially if they're gagged," Tama purred, "but no."

Lorelei heaved another theatrical sigh.  "Pity."

And with that, Lorelei, Tama, and Sky-Fi were gone and Jacy and Kelly had The Great Room to themselves.

Jacy smiled down at Kelly through the wooden grid.

Kelly gazed up at Jacy through the same grid.

"Well... I'm gonna brew myself a nice hot cup of coffee," Jacy announced, then turned and headed for the kitchen.  "You can continue your test."

Kelly remained in The Great Room... and her new coffee-table/bondage-box.  She had to admit The Bird Sisters had done an outstanding job executing her commission.


The rest of the day passed without Sky-Fi experiencing stereotypical Native American bondage/torture.  They agreed that, taken as a whole, that was a good thing.  Anyway, Lorelei and Tama marched them to the pond, untied their wrist-bonds, then proceeded to remove all of their own clothing.  They left it for the youngsters to remove their bandana-cleave-gags, as well as their own boots, socks, jeans, shirts, tank-tops, panties, and bras.  (Sky won the race to full nudity as she'd been wearing only a tank-top and no shirt or bra.)

Everybody enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing swim... followed by a lengthy sunbathing session on the grass.  Lorelei had brought along a plastic bottle of sunscreen... but Sky jerked it from her hand and absolutely and resolutely refused to let the grinning blonde slather any of it on her freckled body for her.  Fiona also rubbed the lotion on her own already somewhat tan body, but she did allow Tama to anoint her back.  Sky watched the naked, beautiful, Blackfoot/Cheyenne maiden rub her girlfriend's back with sullen indifference (but not jealousy); however, she perked up when Fi took the bottle from Tama and rubbed lotion onto her (meaning Sky's) back.

Anyway... everybody out at the pond had a good time and nobody was tied up and/or gagged on the way back to the main compound.  Also, nobody developed a serious sunburn (not even on Sky-Fi's less-then-uniformly freckled/tanned boob and bikini areas).

Back at The Great Room... Kelly continued testing her new box.  Jacy brewed her coffee, then returned to the scene of the crime/testing area, sipped her coffee, and smiled down at Kelly's well-gagged face through the wooden grid.  Then, Jacy announced that she was going to return to the kitchen and start putting together the barbecue planned for that evening.  The Bird Sisters would be spending the night at The Hermitage as it would be bothersome to drive all the way back home after dark, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time they'd enjoyed a sleepover at The Hermitage.

When BBQ-time rolled around, Lorelei and Tama released Auntie Kelly from the box, then used the contents of Lorelei's notorious gym-bag to "dress" her in a full-body leather harness.  The brown-leather-with-gunmetal-steel-hardware "garment" yoked Kelly's shoulders, pinned her upper arms to her sides (with horizontal straps passing above and below her breasts)—encircled her waist with a gunmetal ring centered over her bellybutton—then dove between her legs with a pair of straps framing (and pinching together) her labia!  It was another bestseller from Kelly's catalog.

Kelly's bondage-mitts had not been removed, of course, and the harness provided convenient anchoring points to secure the disgruntled redhead's encased fingers, hands, and wrists folded behind her back in the manner of a classic box-tie.  From the waist (and crotch) up, Kelly remained totally helpless and (mostly) nude.

Jacy, Sky, and Fiona watched with appreciative interest as Lorelei and Tama expedited the process of Kelly's wooden-box-to-leather-box-tie-body-harness bondage transition.  They quietly agreed that Kelly had done a magnificent job designing and manufacturing her new bondage ensemble and that the Mistress of The Hermitage made a magnificent damsel-in-distress.

And speaking of distress, when Tama and Lorelei removed her spider-gag-with-double-used-panties-stuffing, Kelly threw a spectacular (and very entertaining) conniption fit and/or temper tantrum.  Many clever, scathing, and hateful things were said.  There was a pause while Jacy held a tumbler of ice water to Kelly's lips so she could take a refreshing drink... then the tirade resumed.

Nobody was fooled.  Kelly wasn't really furious and/or offended.  It was all a show, and a very entertaining show at that  There were angry scowls, flopping tits, swinging hips, and vigorous attempts to deliver kicks with her bare, freckled legs and feet, all or which were successfully dodged by their laughing/giggling targets.

Lorelei laughed and openly gloated.  She didn't even try and hide it.

The Bird Sisters chuckled, serenely smiled... and were beautiful.

Sky and Fiona suppressed the smiles threatening to curl their lips and dimple their cheeks (for the most part), and contributed most of the giggles.

Eventually... Kelly wound down and stood there mostly nude, inescapably restrained, panting, glowing slightly, and glowering at the others.  Everybody had emerged unscathed from her outburst.

Once outside at the outdoor-dining/picnic/BBQ venue, all present who were not naked bound and gagged took turns feeding Kelly her share of the burgers, hotdogs, brats, chicken, baby-back ribs, chips, and potato salad.  Also, there was cold beer!  Everybody had a good time (even Kelly, although she sullenly refused to admit it when asked).

Eventually, the magnificent outdoor feast came to an end and everybody not naked and leather-bound took part in the required cleanup.  Now it was Kelly's turn to gloat, but she found it not nearly as satisfying as the obvious relish her captor's had exhibited earlier during her post-box tantrum.

Jacy announced that she would be sharing Kelly's bed... to make sure she was okay during the night, of course.  Auntie Kelly pouted in response (but Sky-Fi noted that she didn't object).

Lorelei and Tama stated that they would also be bunking together.  Sky and Fiona exchanged a knowing look (clandestinely).  Were The Evil Lorelei and Tama the Beautiful an item?  Maybe, but it was none of their business.  They had their own newly acknowledged relationship to sort out.

The group dispersed and Sky and Fiona retired to their guest bedroom.

Alone at last!  But first, they had to prepare for bed.

"Dibs on the bathroom!" Fiona shouted, then left Sky standing next to her bed with hands on hips, her lips curled in a rueful smile, and rolling her eyes.  There was no reason they couldn't share the facilities for their evening toilette, but it didn't matter.  Once Fi was gone Sky turned down her bed, sat, and removed her boots, socks, and jeans, leaving only her panties and tank-top.  She tossed the socks in the hamper in the bedroom closet, lined up her boots next to a straight chair, then neatly draped her jeans over a convenient chair-back.  She'd decided they were good for one more day.

Fiona returned, Sky admonished her girlfriend with a scathing "It's about time!" then scampered down the hall to the bathroom.  What?  Brave Tomboys are allowed to scamper... if its appropriate.

Sky used the commode, brushed her teeth, scrubbed her face, and smiled at her reflection in the mirror.  Her tousled crop of short ginger/red curls was low maintenance (meaning close to zero maintenance).  All it required was a quick brush.  Then, she scampered back to the bedroom.

Sky opened the bedroom door, stepped inside, closed the door behind her, and froze in shock, alarm, and/or chagrin.

Fiona was reclined on her bed and staring at her.  Also, she was naked, her ankles were lashed together with hemp rope, her arms were folded behind her back and her upper body bound in a tight box-tie, and a wide strip of off-white medical tape was plastered over her lips and most of her lower face!  Fi's blue eyes were wide with distress, horror, fear... whatever.  Also, she was reclined against the fully clothed body of The Beautiful Tama, who in turn was reclined against the pillows piled against bed's headboard.  Tama smiled serenely and combed her fingers through Fi's glorious flaxen hair!

"There you are."

Sky flinched.  The Evil Lorelei had been "hiding" behind the bedroom door (in plain sight) but Sky hadn't noticed.  She'd been fully focused on her naked, bound, and gagged girlfriend who was busy being cuddled by The Beautiful Tama.

"Tama and I have decided the pair of ya need a chance to sort out yer new relationship," Lorelei explained.

Sky blinked her green eyes and stared.  "What?"

Tama chuckled.  "Lori explained how you and Fiona..."  She paused to give Fi a warm hug.  "...have only just acknowledged the obvious truth that you're a couple.  We're here to help."

"What?" Sky reiterated, then shook her head.  "No!  I mean... no!  I mean—Mrrrmpfh!"  Lorelei had taken advantage of Sky's momentarily flustered condition to grab her, pin her arms to her sides, and clamp a hand over her mouth!

"Mrrrrrrm!" Sky objected and struggled for all she was worth, which wasn't enough.  The Evil Lorelei was strong, probably from lifting all those countless bales of hay for the horses.

Meanwhile, Tama had settled Fiona down onto her bed and was coming to help Lorelei execute this phase of their dastardly plan.

In short order Sky was divested of her tank-top and panties—"No-nrrrf!"—Lorelei's hand-gag was replaced by a bandana cleave-gag with panties stuffing (her own panties)—"Mrrrfh!"—the Ozzie Gull and Blackfoot/Cheyenne Maiden pulled hemp rope from one of the gym-bags Lorelei used to tote around bondage materials, and they box-tied Sky's upper body and lash her ankles together, binding the unhappy ginger's now naked (and freckled) body in exactly the same manner as Fiona's nude tan form.

And then, adding intimacy to outrage, the wicked kidnappers plunked Sky down on Fiona's bed, pulled the girlfriends face-to-face, boob-to-boob, tummy-to-tummy, and thighs to thighs, then proceeded to use a distressing amount of carefully rigged rope to lash them together from ankles to shoulders!

Sky-Fi were in total agreement.  This was not good!  "Nrrrm!"  "Mmmmf!"  "Mrmpfh!"  Etc. 

Mission accomplished, Lorelei and Tama stood back and smiled down at their handiwork as Sky and Fiona wiggled, squirmed, and explored their snug, intricate, and elaborate web/cocoon of hemp rope.  There was a little wiggle room... but not enough to allow them to shift around any of the elements of their joint bondage.  There was, however, sufficient "freedom" to allow their skin to rub and slide together in a most distressing manner!

Yes... distressing.  Sky decided to go with "distressing," and from all the shivers quivering through Fiona's helpless form... she obviously agree.

Apparently, not yet satisfied with the joint bondage masterpiece she'd crafted with Tama, Lorelei reached into her bag and produced a roll of silver-gray duct-tape.  She then proceeded to mummify Sky's fingers and hands, converting them into a pair of silver flippers!

Sky (Heroic Tomboy that she was) didn't make it easy.  She fluttered her fingers, flipped and flopped her wrists, and generally did her best to impede the flipperization process.

Finally, Lorelei decided enough was enough and gave Sky's right butt cheek a businesslike slap!

"Mrk!" Sky complained.

"Hold still, Little Red," Lorelei ordered, "or I'll give Cheeks a bloody good spankin'."

Sky glowered at nothing in particular but let her hands go limp.  It was really dirty pool for Lorelei to threaten Fiona with a spanking... especially since Sky wasn't in a favorable position to watch.

Lorelei quickly finished rendering both of Sky's hands useless... then shifted position, gave the co-joined girlfriends a half roll... and did the same for Fiona.  Then, in what could only be called pure meanness, she used a couple of lengths of thin hemp cord to bind Sky's big toes together... followed by Fiona's!  Then, despicable villainess that she was, Lorelei decided to test the toe-bondage by running her fingers over the soles of both captive's toe-tied feet!

"Mrrrrm!"  "Mmmmk!"  "Nrrrrrrf!"  Etc.

"You really like them," Tama purred, "don't you."

"Who, Little Red an' Cheeks?" Lorelei chuckled, then untied the knot of Sky's bandana-cleave-gag and cinched it tighter.  "What's not to like?"

"Mrrrf!" Sky complained.  Bitch!

Then, Loreli left the bed, zipped her gym-bag closed, and together with her beautiful raven-haired accomplice... they left the bedroom!  Tama paused to turn off the overhead light and close the door behind them.


At first the bedroom was pitch black... then slowly brightened as Sky-Fi's eyes adjusted to the dark.  The moon hadn't yet risen, but it was a cloudless night and blue-white starlight was streaming through the bedroom window.

"Mrrrm!" Fiona complained, adding a rope-impeded wiggling squirm for emphasis.

Sky couldn't agree more.

They both struggled, squirmed, rolled back and forth on the firm but comfortable mattress, and tried their very best to escape.  This went on for some time... then, as if by mutual consent, they stopped.

Sky was finding it very difficult to concentrate on breaking free from Lorelei and Tama's rigorous rigging.  Her girlfriend's nipples kept rubbing against her nipples, and both sets were (for some inexplicable reason) erect!  Also, their boobs were squashed together... or were sliding together... and the same went for their stomachs... meaning the squashing and/or the sliding.  There was also thigh-on-thigh slippage.  It was all very distracting, which was probably what Lorelei had intended!  And Tama had helped!

Sky began working her jaws back and forth.  She knew expelling the panties crammed in her mouth was impossible, but Brave Tomboys try everything... and this time it paid off!  She felt the knot securing the narrowly folded bandana slip against the nape of her neck!  She worked her jaws again, and the bandana loosened even further.  The truth dawned: when The Evil Lorelei had tightened her gag prior to making her dramatic, gloating, and infuriating exit (together with The Beautiful Tama), the grinning Ozzie Gull had neglected to fully restore the knot!

Sloppy!  Lazy!  Inexcusable!  Abominable due diligence!  And now Lorelei's nefarious scheme to abandon Sky and Fiona on Fiona's bed naked, inescapably bound together, and gagged was doomed to failure!  Sky continued tossing her head (being careful not to bonk her tape-gagged girlfriend on the nose or chin), and working her jaws while trying her best to open her mouth wider... and finally succeeded in expelling her wadded panties and spitting them away.  "Pa-too!"  The folded bandana was now loose around her neck and threatening to fall completely away.

Sky licked her lips and basked in her hard won victory.  Lorelei had failed!  Now, Sky was only naked and inescapably bound to a naked and inescapably bound Fiona, but she wasn't gagged!

The Victorious Tomboy was trying to think of something clever and inspirational to share with her still gagged girlfriend... but instead she paused and squinted in concentration.  By this time Sky's eyes were totally dark-adapted, and she'd noticed an anomaly: about a quarter-inch of the upper right corner of Fiona's tape gag had been folded under!  Sky decided she hadn't noticed it earlier 'cause she'd been busy being naked, manhandled, tied to her naked girlfriend, and struggling to rescue herself so she could rescue Fiona.  More sloppiness on Lorelei's part!  And another opportunity!

"Hold still," Sky admonished her fellow prisoner, then leaned close (meaning even closer) and used her incisors to delicately but firmly clamp down on the tiny dog-ear of off-white tape... then pulled.  Slowly... the strip of medical tape peeled away, surrendering its adhesive grip on Fiona's lips and lower face and stretching her skin in the process.

Finally, Fiona's face was tape-free, Sky spit the dangling strip away before it found something inconvenient to adhere itself to.  "Pa-too!"

Meanwhile, Fiona had done some spitting of her own, expelling a soft and silky wad from her mouth!  "Pa-too!"

Sky blinked in surprise.  Fiona had also been panty-gagged!  They'd both been panty-gagged!  (She made a mental note to check it off their list of bondage experiences.)

"This is all your fault," Sky addressed her girlfriend.  "If you'd put up a fight while I was in the bathroom, when I got back we could have fought them off together."

"Oh, right, that would've worked." Fiona scoffed.  "They handled me the same way they handled you... the same way they handled your Auntie Kelly in the great room."  Her dimples deepened as her delectable lips curled in a saucy smile.  "I wonder how Jacy is handling Auntie Kelly right now."

"Oh, yuk!  Shut-up!" Sky shuddered.  The mental picture of her 40-something cousin naked, bound, and making out with the only slightly younger Beautiful Jacy was... disturbing.  Also, she noted that shuddering, even in prudish disgust, was a bad idea.  It inevitably involved more of that annoying mutual nipple and belly rubbing.

Fiona appeared to have no such reticence as she resumed her slow, serious escape efforts.

"Stop that!" Sky snapped.  "It's pointless."

"Not pointless," Fiona purred, but she did stop squirming.  "Futile, maybe, but not pointless."  She squirmed her upper body for emphasis, causing their semi-squashed boobs to wiggle and their nipples to slide against each other.

Oh, those points, Sky silently mused, ignoring the tingling and/or throbbing in her nipples. 

"Anyway," Fiona continued, "what else do you want me to do?  We have to escape, right?"

Sky heaved a sigh.  "Well... yeah...  but tied up like this with our fingers and hands taped...  pointless and futile."

Fiona sighed as well.  "Yeah."  Then, her smile returned.  "Oh, I know... we can make out."

"Make out?"

Fiona wiggled in their mutual bonds.  "Smooching, tongue wrestling, what Hermione calls 'snogging'... making out."

"Oh," Sky mumbled.  "We are girlfriends, meaning girlfriend-girlfriends, and I suppose we don't have anything better to do, so..."

Naked, their big toes tied, bound face-to-face from ankles to shoulders, fingers and hands "flipperized" in cocoons of silver duct-tape, Sky-Fi proceeded to do just that.  They made out.




Chapter 7
Chapter 9