Adventures in Backpacking!
Adventures in Backpacking!

by Van © 2024

Chapter 7

Dramatis Personæ


Sky hurried (scampered) through The Big House to the bedroom she shared with her girlfriend and quickly donned wool socks, panties, a tank-top, jeans, and hiking boots.  No bra and no work-shirt.  She was in a hurry and wanted to return to the fully clothed others before the mysterious "Bird Sisters" finished arriving.

Adequately dressed, Sky hurried (scampered) back to the others in question: Auntie Kelly, The Evil Lorelei, and (sigh) Fiona, her BFF and girlfriend!  My girlfriend! Sky mused briefly.  Go figure!

Sky's return was timely as the approaching red dot that had morphed into a tiny red pickup truck by the time she left to get dressed was now a full-size red Ford F-150 and it was just coming to a halt in front of The Big House.  The truck was relatively new and appeared to be in good condition, albeit it could use a good wash.  Some sort of cargo was lashed down under a tarp in the bed, so obviously it was a working pickup, as opposed to the non-working rigs Sky routinely encountered in less rural settings.  Sky herself drove a pale green 2014 Prius-C named Cecily that had been handed down by her parents and she hated it with a passion when she got stuck in heavy traffic behind a full-size vanity pickup.  Anyhoo...

Julia Jones
Jacy Bird
Tanya Beatty
Tama Bird
The dust settled, the F-150's doors opened, and a pair of stunningly beautiful women emerged.  Both had long, gleaming, raven's-wing-black hair, copper-brown skin, gorgeous brown eyes, gorgeous features, gorgeous curvaceous/athletic figures... gorgeous everything!

One was probably 40-something with her hair cut shoulder length.  The other was younger, 30-something (or possibly in her late 20's), with her hair a little longer.  Both were dressed in cowgirl boots, denim jeans, and very pretty Western-style shirts with snap-style pearl buttons and breast pockets with pointed flaps.

"Hey, Jacy!" Auntie Kelly gushed as she pulled the elder newcomer into a warm hug and planted a kiss on her smiling lips.

"Hey, yourself!" the oldest newcomer (Jacy) answered, smiling and returning the embrace and kiss.

"Tama!" Kelly sighed as she repeated the hug/kiss ritual with the younger newcomer.

"Kelly!" Tama responded, returning the gesture as had her big sister.

Meanwhile, Lorelei was repeating the ritual with Jacy in her boss's wake... then did the same with Tama.

Sky and Fiona smiled and watched (a little shyly), waiting their turn to be introduced.  Everybody was smiling.

Kelly handled the formalities.  "Sky, Fiona, meet Jacy and Tama, the Bird sisters."  She then indicated her young visitors with a gracefully sweeping gesture.  "Skylar Dundee, my cousin, and Fiona Taylor.  They're girlfriends."

Sky-Fi exchanged embarrassed looks, blushed, and rounded on their grinning hostess.  "Auntie Kelly!" the girls groused in unison.  They weren't used to being introduced to complete strangers as "girlfriends."

The others laughed (which did nothing to mitigate Sky-Fi's blushing problem).

"I thought Skylar was your cousin," Jacy said to Kelly.

"She is," Kelly nodded, " but Sky started calling me 'Auntie' when she was little and her parents and I thought it was so cute we didn't have the heart to tell her to knock it off."

"It is cute," Tama said to her big sister.  "We ought to do it too." They both focused their gorgeous smiles and gorgeous brown eyes on Kelly.

"Auntie Kelly!" they sighed in unison.

Kelly smile never wavered; however, she did sigh and roll her eyes.  "It's not that cute."

"Agree t'disagree," Lorelei chuckled.

The Bird Sisters chuckled as well, then did the kiss-and-hug thing with Sky-Fi.  This also did nothing to mitigate the youngsters' blushes, but they had to concede it wasn't the gorgeous newcomers' fault.  Sky and Fiona exchanged a smile and silently and independently agreed that the Bird Sisters were very nice.

Kelly and Jacy strode to the back of the truck and the others quickly followed.  Lorelei and Tama quickly and efficiently released the cargo straps lashing down the canvas tarp and whatever was underneath.

"What have you brought me?" Kelly grinned.

"We finally finished that coffee-table you ordered," Jacy answered as Lorelei and Tama finished released the heavy-duty straps.  "There's also a couple of chairs."

Kelly frowned.  "Chairs?  I don't remember ordering any chairs."

Jacy grinned.  "They go with the table and will balance the decor.  You'll see what I mean."

"You'll like them," Tama promised as she flipped back the tarp.

Lying on the bed of the truck was a long rectangular wooden something-or-other Sky and Fiona assumed was the aforementioned "coffee-table."

"I suppose it can be used as a coffee-table," Sky whispered to her BFF/girlfriend, although it wasn't the low table with legs she'd been expecting.  It was... a box?

"I've seen people use footlockers and storage trunks for that," Fiona whispered back.

Sky was still skeptical.  Clearly, the box thing was not re-purposed luggage.  "It does have a flat top," she conceded.  "Things won't slide off."

Fiona nodded.  "Things like cups, plates, bowls of popcorn, Cheetos... potpourri."

Sky frowned at her girlfriend.  Potpourri?  Anyway...

The alleged table was roughly the size and shape of an elongated storage trunk or blanket press—a little more than two feet wide, two feet high, and six (possibly seven) feet long.  The upper surface was, smooth, flat, and level, as Sky had already noted and as was appropriate for it to serve as a tabletop; but rather than being one continuous rectangle it was divided into close-fitting slats down its entire length.  Some were narrow and only about three inches wide while others were much wider, between eight and twelve.  All of the wood was richly grained and knot free, probably oak, and stained a pretty color Sky could easily see going well in the Great Room of Auntie Kelly's Big House (which she assumed was its planned destination).

Maybe that's the reason for the top being divided into strips like that, Sky reasoned, they selected boards that didn't have any knots—but that can't be it.  Sky wasn't any kind of woodworker, but she had watched a couple of episodes of This Old House.  Even she knew there were ways to join planks and boards without leaving gaps and obvious seams.

And speaking of decoration, stylized flowers, leaves, animals, and people were carved, very shallowly, into all four of the table's sides, but not its top.  Sky categorized the style as "Native American," but she didn't recognize anything from the Navajo, Zuni, or other southwest tribes, like "Thunderbirds" or "Kokopelli" (the little flute-playing dudes).  If forced to offer her semi-educated opinion (having taken exactly one introductory Art survey course), Sky would categorize the carvings as "Plains Indian;" however, she had no idea whether they were Blackfoot, Cheyenne, or from some other tribe (like Crow, Sioux, Kiowa, etc.).  She remembered Auntie had said the Bird Sisters were mixed Blackfeet and Cheyenne and made a mental note to tactfully pump them for cultural info before they went home.

Anyway, and also in Sky's opinion, the skilled carvings were a remarkable example of understatement while greatly enhancing the table's overall appearance.  They was anything but "busy" and evoked the chapter on Japanese Art in her ART-101 text.  The Bird Sisters had made excellent use of "Ma" (negative space).

Also...  Pretty horses...  Lots of pretty horses.

Sky frowned.  Something else going on.  All along the table/box's left and right sides where they met the divided tabletop were gunmetal-steel elements set flush with the wood.  Some were probably hinges, but the rest were barrel-key-style locks, and all the hinges or locks were centered under one of the divided boards or slats.

Sky was still puzzled.  It's... peculiar.  She decided the segments of the tabletop must be the lids of drawers or compartments... but why do they all need locks?  It was like the coffee-table doubled as an oversized/complicated strongbox; however, it remained a remarkable albeit highly unusual alleged coffee-table.

There was also the previously discussed pair of identical wooden straight-chairs lying on their backs next to the beautiful/unusual coffee-table.  Both were identical, their wood matched the coffee-table, and were what Sky believed are usually classified as "ladderback chairs."  They had tall backs with evenly spaced, horizontal, dowel-like rungs.  All elements were heavy-duty, appeared to be solidly joined, and with all edges comfortably rounded.  Once the chairs were upright, the backs (ladders) would be about six or possibly seven feet tall, but only something like eight inches wide.  Also, the chair-seats were regular trapezoids with the rear sides the width of the chair-backs/ladders and the front legs about twenty inches apart.

"Let's get everything inside," Auntie Kelly suggested and the group sprang into action.  Kelly, Lorelei, Jacy, and Tama carried the coffee-table (in the manner of pallbearers) while Sky and Lorelei carried one chair each.


The table was placed directly in front of the Great Room's longest sofa and everyone agreed it was as if it was made to go there (which was a good thing because it had been).  The chairs were tucked into existing empty slots on either side of a rustic cabinet against a log wall across the room.  Everybody was full of compliments, Auntie Kelly was very pleased, and the Bird Sisters were justifiably proud.

Lorelei motioned for Sky and Fiona to accompany her to the kitchen to assist in brewing coffee and arranging mugs, dessert plates, a cream and sugar set, teaspoons, napkins, and a plate of assorted cookies on a tray... then carrying everything back to The Great Room.  A bona fide kaffeeklatch ensued, the new coffee-table received its first test, and the occasion provided the perfect opportunity for Sky-Fi and the Bird Sisters to get to know each other.

Unfortunately, the topic of how Jacy and Tama's parents hooked up wasn't discussed.  Sky and Fiona had already concocted a Native American version pf Romeo and Juliet with the Cheyenne and Blackfeet tribes in the roles of the Capulets and Montagues, only without the tragic death scene in the last act, of course.  Fiona was sure whatever had happened it was probably very romantic (and Sky secretly agreed).  Maybe later they'd find an opportunity to pull The Bird Sisters aside and pump them for the true story.

Anyway... once the last of the cookies were consumed they got down to the business of examining the coffee-table in detail (so the Bird Sisters could get paid).  This was just a formality, of course, but it was the perfect opportunity to satisfy Sky's curiosity about what she still considered the table's odd features without her having to ask rude questions like:
"Why did you divide the top into distinct slats instead of joining them seamlessly?"

"What's up with all the barrel-key locks?"

And above all... "What exactly still needs 'testing'?  It's a coffee-table."

While Lorelei returned the tray to the kitchen Jacy pulled a barrel-key from her jeans pocket.  "These locks are all the same, of course," she announced.  "One key fits all."

"I've got the other one," Tama announced, pulling a second key from her pocket.

Everybody watched with rapt attention as The Bird Sisters worked their way around the coffee-table, unlocking the barrel locks as they went.  Snick, snick, snick, snick, etc.  Then, as expected, they opened all the lids/slats.  Half opened to the left and half to the right, and all the hinges folded all the way back from the horizontal to the vertical, leaving all the lids/slats lying flat against the table's sides.  The single exception was the top board.  It had locks on both ends and no hinge and was removed completely and set aside.

Sky-Fi stepped closer for a better look inside—and their green and blue eyes popped to maximum width in astonishment.  Fiona audibly gasped and covered her mouth with her right hand.  Sky was able to stifle her audible reaction and keep her hands at her sides.

The interior of the coffee-table was divided by what were unmistakably a series of vertical restraining stocks with openings obviously designed to restrain a person lying on her back inside the box/enclosure!  Fron one end to the other, the openings would trap her neck, waist and forearms, mid-thighs, and ankles!  Her ankles would be about a foot apart, her thighs three or four inches apart, and her wrists at her sides!  The thick boards were all about 2½" wide with well-rounded edges and the openings were all sized and shaped to closely confine the relevant parts of the hypothetical occupant's anatomy!

"It's not a coffee-table!" Sky whispered to her girlfriend.  "It's a bondage box!"

"Actually," Fiona whispered back, "it's both."

Sky turned her astonished head to frown at her astonished girlfriend.

"We just used it as a coffee-table," Fiona reminded her ginger BFF.  "It's both."

"Okay... point taken," Sky conceded.

Meanwhile, the Bird Sisters had lifted the top halves of the stock sections out of the bondage-box/coffee-table and set them aside next to the tabletop slat with the two barrel-locks.  They'd all run in slots in either sidewall, and while they'd all been a tight fit, they slid out easily.  It really was first-rate carpentry.

Sky noted that all the inside surfaces of the... bondage-box/coffee-table were sanded, stained, and lacquered to perfectly match the outside; however, there were none of the carvings gracing the vertical exterior.  There were no decorations of any kind, but all of the elements (including the bottom halves of all the stocks, were seamlessly joined and unarguably... elegant.  Sky was impressed, and a glance at Fi confirmed that she was as well.  Also... her girlfriend appeared to be a little apprehensive (in a tingly sort of way).  Sky knew that certainly she was... apprehensive, that is (and tingly).

"Very nice!" Kelly gushed, beaming at the Bird Sisters... she then shifted her smiling (and ominous) gaze to her young guests.  "So... who wants to volunteer for test subject duty?"

Sky-Fi reacted with reluctant horror!  (Who wouldn't?)

"Not an issue," Jacy chuckled.

"It's already arranged," Lorelei stated with a wide grin.

"Via e-mail," Tama added, "last week."  She was also grinning (and gorgeous).

Kelly frowned.  "What are you talking about?"  She focused on Lorelei.  "They sent you an e-mail?"

Still smiling, Lorelei shook her head.  "No, boss.  I sent them an e-mail."

And with that, Lorelei and the Bird Sisters pounced!

What followed was totally unanticipated by both Sky-Fi and Auntie Kelly.  Sky and Fiona watched with manifest horror (but didn't rush to help either Auntie Kelly or her grinning attackers).

Jacy and Tama grabbed their 40-something, fit, curvaceous, and ginger hostess/customer.  Jacy clamped her right hand over Kelly's startled and outraged mouth to keep her from disturbing the peace of The Great Room while Tama wrestled her hands behind her back.


Once that had happened, Lorelei pulled a length of hemp cord from her back pocket and used it to tie her boss's wrists together!  She then knelt and used a second length of cord to tie her cowgirl-boot-clad ankles together!

Kelly did not cooperate.  In fact, her resistance was quite vigorous... but it grew progressively weaker as her attackers won the battle.  She continued twisting, squirming, and tugging on her bonds, and the Bird Sisters continued the hand-gag and their firm grips on Kelly to control their 40-something hostess's struggling body. 

And then—"Mrrrpfh-Nooo!-Nrrrmfh!—coordinating their actions, Jacy released her handgag and together with Tama stuffed a bandana into Kelly's mouth and used a narrowly folded second bandana to give their no-longer-satisfied-customer a tight and quite effective cleave-gag, with stuffing.  "Mrrrrrm!"

While The Gagging of Auntie Kelly was happening, Lorelei sauntered to the cabinet across the room between the two new ladder-chairs, opened a drawer, and was now returning with a generous coil of hemp rope.

Sky and Fiona sat together on a convenirnt loveseat that afforded an unobstructed view of the unfolding action and watched as, with the skill expected of any experienced cowgirl, Lorelei tossed one end of the rope over a log rafter directly over Auntie Kelly and her handlers, tied a noose around her gagged and outraged boss's neck, stepped to the side, hauled in the slack until Kelly was nearly balancing on the pointed toes of her boots, then tied off the end around a leg of a heavy sideboard.

The Bird Sisters released their holds o Auntie Kelly's writhing, squirming, and inarticulately complaining form.  They were no longer needed to keep their reluctant test subject in place.

"I'll be right back," Lorelei announced, smiling broadly, then spun on her booted heels and strode from The Great Room.

Sky-Fi watched The Evil (and now Traitorous) Ozzie Gull's departure, then noticed that the Bird Sisters were smiling at themGulp!—and so was Auntie Kelly (although her smile was probably just a gagged grimace).  In any case, the innocent bystanders were now the center of attention!

Double gulp!

"I'd like you two to stay right where you are," Jacy purred.

"Don't worry," Tama said, nodding at Auntie Kelly, but her pretty brown eyes remained focused on Sky and Fiona.  "We won't hurt her... if she doesn't give us any trouble."

"It's all a game," Jacy added.  "You won't interfere, will you?  Lorelei said you two understood about things like... games."

Sky and Fiona exchanged a quick glance, then turned back and nodded.

"Good girls!" Jacy chuckled.  "Enjoy the show."

Sky was supremely confident she could take both Bird Sisters in a fair fight, easily, then go on to rescue her beloved Auntie; however...
(1) She wasn't really deluded enough to think any of that was true... and for all she knew Jacy and her sister might be experts in some previously unknown form of Native American kung-fu!

(2) It was very entertaining to watch a bound and gagged Auntie Kelly struggle and squirm.

(3) Sky had Fiona to worry about.  Who would protect her girlfriend from The Sinister Bird Sisters and The Evil/Traitorous Lorelei if Sky herself went down in ignoble defeat?
Sky stole a sideways glanced at the vulnerable flaxen-haired damsel/girlfriend in question but couldn't tell what she was thinking... other than that she also found the spectacle of Auntie Kelly getting herself demoted to Test Subject to be quite entertaining.

Sky-Fi continued watching (and being entertained) as The Bird Sisters strolled back to their bound, gagged, and not-at-all-pleased hostess, unsnapped the pearl-finish buttons of her Western work-shirt, unbuckled her belt, unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, then proceeded to open and peel away all of Auntie Kelly's clothing, to the extent allowed by her bondage!  More and more and eventually the vast majority of the 40-something's firm, fit, and freckled physique came into full view!

Tama pulled Kelly's wide and decoratively tooled Western-style belt from her jeans, looped it around her upper body, and used it to pin the captive's upper arms against her torso.  The belt passed under Auntie Kelly's boobs and Tama secured it tight enough to lightly dimple the flesh of the prisoner's upper arms.  Next, Kelly's wrists were untied and her tangled shirt, tank-top, and bra pulled down her forearms and over her hands.  Then, Jacy used Kelly's former wrist cord to bind her legs together, just above her knees, so Tama could kneel, untie Kelly's ankles, and remove her boots, jeans, socks, and panties without getting kicked in her gorgeous face.  They then retied Kelly's ankles, untied her knees, crossed her wrists behind her back, and retied them as well.  After a brief whispered debate they agreed to leave the arm-pinning belt in place.

Except for her bonds and gag, Kelly was now fully and gloriously nude.  She continued struggling and complaining, of course.  "Mrrrmpfh!"  Being relieved of her clothes had not improved her mood.  Kelly's gagged and freckled face was flushed and her blue-green eyes flashing!  As for the rest of her, it was also freckled... and her boobs oscillated and bounced against the tight leather of her belt in a very compelling manner as she fought to regain her freedom.


"Wow," Sky whispered to Fiona.

"Indeed," Fiona whispered back.

Sky continued gazing at her nude, bound, and gagged older cousin.  "I need to up my fitness game," she sighed (still in a whisper).

"Your Auntie does look amazing," Fi agreed, "for her age."

"For her age," Sky nodded.

"I like the way the belt dimples her arms," Fiona added.  "It's tight."

"It is," Sky agreed.

Meanwhile, Kelly continued twisting, squirming, tugging on her bound wrists, displaying her well-distributed freckle collection, exhibiting her superb muscle tone, and sharing her general dissatisfaction with Lorelei and The Bird Sisters, her employee and alleged friends.


Kelly was careful not to trip on her bare feet and bound ankles and thereby hang herself, which would not only be a tragic end but would disappoint fans of her writing and the
customers of her fine leather accessories.  Also, it would probably delay the process of The Bird Sisters getting paid for their exquisite and highly unusual coffee-table/bondage-box.  Not to worry; however, as Jacy and Tama were standing reasonably close and ready to catch their prisoner/test-subject in the unlikely event she overbalanced and started to strangle.

Just then, Lorelei returned to the scene of her unconscionable betrayal of her virtuous and clearly not-deserving-of-such-maltreatment boss.

"Uh-oh," Ski-Fi spontaneously and simultaneously remarked (still in a whisper).

The Evil Lorelei was carrying her notorious gym-bag!  And it appeared to be stuffed full of rope, leather restraints, and who-knows-what!

"Look at that!" Lorelei gasped (in theatrical surprise) as she grinned and surveyed her employer from her freckled feet to her gagged, outraged, and freckled face.  "Her clothes fell off!"

The Bird Sisters exchanged a tolerant smile.

Sky and Fiona's reactions were similar.

Auntie Kelly, however, was not amused.  In fact, her blue-green eyes commenced sending a steady stream of authentic but imaginary Highland dirks in her grinning blond employee's direction.  Unfortunately, all the invisible blades vanished before making contact with Lorelei's smug form.

Jacy pointed to Lorelei's gym-bag and shook her head.  "Less is more, Lori."

Lorelei's smile vanished in a flash.  "But I picked out her favorite body-harness!" she objected.

Tama was skeptical.  "Her favorite?"

Lorelei's smile returned.  "Her favorite.  She loves buckling it on me!"

"Come," Jacy said, beckoning for Lorelei and her little sister to follow her off to one side of The Great Room.

Sky, Fiona, and Auntie Kelly watched with keen interest as Lorelei and The Bird Sisters held a whispered conference.  The infamous gym-bag remained zipped closed but its contents were obviously the topic of conversation.

Kelly turned her tightly and effectively cleave-gagged head to her young guests.  "Mrrrrrf?" she inquired, obviously begging for immediate and expedited rescue.

Sky and Fiona exchanged a questioning glance, shrugged, and turned back to Kelly.

"Your own petard," Sky said quietly, not wanting to disturb the trio plotting over the gym-bag.  "Hoist by your own petard."

Fiona nodded.  "Your own petard."

Kelly frowned (grimaced through her gag) and sent a dozen or so imaginary dirks speeding in Sky-Fi's direction.

Meanwhile, the gym-bag conferees appeared to have reached a consensus.  The trio of dastardly and discourteous kidnappers returned to Kelly's immediate vicinity.
Brown Mitts!
Everybody watched as Lorelei unzipped her bag and produced... a pair of brown leather bondage mittens!  They each had a steel D-ring solidly attached to the fingertip regions of their hand enclosures, were long enough to cover their wearer's entire wrists, and laced up the back.

"These are old prototypes," Lorelei explained, apparently for Sky-Fi's benefit, "hence the shiny steel hardware... instead of gunmetal."
Next, Lorelei reached back into the bag and produced the gold-tone spider-gag with the reddish-brown leather strap Kelly had made her wear last night.  Obviously only Lorelei and her boss knew about the spider's recent history, but all present recognized its purpose and function.

"Nrrrrrm!  Kelly complained, shaking her head and struggling against her bonds... all of which caused the tousled strands of her ginger mop to flutter (and her bare breasts to resume flopping).

What followed was an epic but decidedly one-sided battle.  Auntie Kelly was outnumbered three to one, bound hand and foot, and naked (although the naked disadvantage was largely psychological).

It took a while, but Kelly's wrists were untied, her fingers and hands forced into the mittens, and the hand-enclosures laced tightly closed.  In a logically tactical move, her handlers had left the belt pinning Kelly's arms in place and its restrictive presence had greatly limited her efforts to impede the process of reducing her fingers and hands to the status of leather-clad flippers.

Next, Kelly's bandana cleave-gag (with bandana stuffing) was replaced by the spider.  This momentarily and significantly increased the volume of inarticulate, outraged, rather rude, and scathing complaints/remarks echoing around The Great Room—"MRRRMPFH!"—but the vocal racket was quickly mitigated when Lorelei retrieved Kelly's "discarded" panties from the disorderly pile of her clothing and stuffed it through the spider and into her employer's propped-open mouth.

"Nrrrmp!" Kelly remarked.

"Is that enough stuffing?" Tama inquired as she used two fingers to hold the panties in place while her big sister held Kelly's head steady.

"No worries," Lorelei purred as she unzipped one of the gym-bag's end-pockets and pulled out a zip-lock bag.  Clearly visible through the clear plastic was a second pair of panties!

"One of the perks of bein' the one doin' most of the laundry," Lorelei gloated, "is I get to set aside useful items for future use."  She unzipped the bag, pulled out the panties, and dangled them by her thumb and forefinger in front of Kelly's horrified, and spider-gagged face.

"Nrrrrrm!" Kelly objected.

"Recognize 'em?" Lorelei inquired.  "Ya wore 'em last week, the day we rode all the way out to the far ridge, along its entire length, then all the way over to the South Meadow.  It was a hot day and we both got really sweaty."  She gave the panties a shake.  "These have been marinatin' in that baggie ever since."  She then opened the baggie in question and proceeded to stuff the used panties through the spider to join the first pair... where together they more-or-less filled Kelly's oral cavity to its full capacity!

"Mrrrmpfh!"  Clearly, Kelly was not happy, not even a little, and her mood didn't improve when Lorelei produced a length of hemp cord and used it to weave a crisscross cat's cradle pattern across the spider, using its four inwardly curved tines as anchor points and thereby ensuring Kelly would be unable to expel the silky stuffing.

Sky and Lorelei continued watching the proceedings with rapt attention.  While they'd never experimented with panty-gags they were well aware of the phenomenon.  This was... fascinating.

Sky stole a glance at her girlfriend... caught her BFF stealing a glance at her—and immediately they both returned their full focus to the unfolding melodrama of Kelly being betrayed by both her neighbors and The Evil Lorelei.

Don't even think about it! Sky thought.  She was, of course, thinking about the absurd idea of Skylar Dundee herself being panty-gagged by Fiona, especially not before she had the chance to panty-gag Fiona first.  Meanwhile...

Kelly was now naked and very effectively gagged—spider-gagged with double-panties-stuffing—both used, and one pair having been allowed to "marinate!"  Her own belt was pinning her arms tightly against her torso!  Her fingers, hands, and wrists were tightly encased in brown leather bondage-mitts and ineffectively flailing at her sides!  Her ankles were tied together with hemp cord!  And finally, a semi-taut rope noose was compelling her to stand in place on pain of strangulation!

"Mrrrpfhrrrmp!" she moaned through her horrid gag.

Sky and Fiona couldn't agree more.

Lorelei smiled at her helpless, nude, and infuriated boss... then heaved a rather theatrical but still smiling sigh.  "Well... so much for the easy part."

The Bird Sisters heaved smiling sighs of their own.

"Yeah," Jacy agreed.

"Now we have to get her in the box without bruising anything," Tama added, "on her or us."

Sky-Fi focused on the open coffee-table, the "box" in question.

"Never a dull minute when The Bird Sisters come to call," Sky whispered in an aside to her girlfriend.

From her expression Fiona agreed, but her only reply was a brief nod.

Every indication was that the floor show in The Great Room was about to get even more entertaining.




Chapter 6
Chapter 8